
CARTOON: Crypto Cart

Probably healthier too. Today's cartoon by Dan Misdea.

A Letter From the Easter Bunny to the World’s Candymakers, RE Upcoming Changes

This Sunday, in lieu of your fine products, each household on my distribution list will receive a special NFT (in France, an N Oeuf T): a one-of-a-kind virtual plastic egg filled with virtual candy.

Swipe Left Club

Not everybody gets swiped right on dating APPs. Some people get swiped left. Chalk it up to a bad haircut, a sick fetish, or a prison record, but some people just have that certain je ne sais quoi that can only be found in books, though not bestsellers. Excerpted from a new illustrated series by J.C. Duffy.

What Is An NFT?

Naughty Flying Triangle? National Foundation of Triceratops? Nanas Fighting Terminators? Check out this wonderful illustrated list by Thomas Wykes.