

Pesterday, Baby Got Backhanded, Keep On Shoving You, and more #BullyABallad on this week's trending joke game!


Dolphin Lundgren, Christian Whale, Geese Witherspoon, and more #AnimalizeAnActor on this week's trending joke game!


Police Chaste, Never Smash Brothers, Call of No Booty, and more #VirginalVideoGames on this week's trending joke game!


Bar Trek, Johnnie Skywalker, Whiskey on the Spocks, and more #AlienAlcohol on this week's trending joke game!


Runaway Snide, (500) Days of Bummer, Reality Spites, and more #RudeRomComs on this week's trending joke game!


Beige Against the Machine, Goutkast, Turd Eye Blind, and more #Nightmare90sBands on this week's trending joke game!


Murder on 34th street, Car Jack Frost, Drone Alone, and more #CriminalChristmasMovies on this week's trending joke game!


12 Lays of Christmas, We Threesome Kings, Jingle balls, and more #CarnalCarols on this week's trending joke game!


Twerkey, Viagravy, Randied Yams, and more #HornyHolidaySides on this week's trending joke game!


Spamchovies, Stuffed artijokes, Jalapeño Poopers, and more #AbsurdAppetizers on this week's trending joke game!


Hot toady, Scarbucks, Capoopuccino, and more #FoulFallCoffeeDrinks on this week's trending joke game!


Motörhead CT, Van Inhaler, Twisted Blister, and more #MedicalMetalBands on this week's trending joke game!


While You Were Beeping, You've Bot Mail, When Harry Met WALL-E, and more #RobotARomCom on this week's trending joke game!


Motherboard Goose, Humpty Data-Dumpty, Little Boy Bluetooth, and more #NerdyNurseryRhymes on this week's trending joke game!


Inside Gout, Throw UP, Blightyear, and more #PitifulPixarMovies on this week's trending joke game!


Synchronized Cheating, Stripper Pole Vault, Drunk Diving, and more #SinfulSummerOlympics on this week's trending joke game!


Best in Snow, Reality Frostbites, Cold School, and more #ColdComedyMovies on this week's trending joke game!


Earth, Wind, and Fireworks, Red, White and Blue Chili Peppers, The BunTing-Tings, and more #PatrioticPopBands on this week's trending joke game!


Sunisher, Black Panter, Ironing Man, and more #HotASuperhero on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Fishy Feuds

Reef Rivalry. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.


Peanut butter and jealous, Chicken Paininis, Chipped Grief, and more #SadSandwiches on this week's trending joke game!

Unwelcome “I Hardly Know Her” Punchlines From Your Obnoxious Coworker

Cheesegrater? I hardly know’er! Obnoxiously inappropriate coworker? I hardly know’er!


Finding Chemo, The Parent Clap, Flumanji, and more #SickASummerBlockbuster on this week's trending joke game!


AC/Greasy, Beef Richards, Motley Stew, and more #MeatyMetalsBands on this week's trending joke game!


Butterscottie, German Chocolate Shepherd, Yorkie Peppermint Patty, and more #CandyACanine on this week's trending joke game!


Pusword, Slash Cab, The NewlyBled Game, and more #GoryGameshows on this week's trending joke game!


R2-CBD2, A.I.-llegra, Robotussin Cop, and more #RobotMeds on this week's trending joke game!


War of the Roseannes, My Name Is Earl Of Sandwich, Cybil War, and more #HistorySitcoms on this week's trending joke game!


KFC3-PO, VRby's, Cyberger King, and more #FuturisticFastFood on this week's trending joke game!


Refundzel, Chicken Little Tipper, Only Hansel, and more #FrugalFairyTales on this week's trending joke game!


Allergies Not Included, Battlefield Earth Day, Tax Return of the Jedi, and more #SpringASpaceMovie on this week's trending joke game!


Prison Wall-E, Slash Gordon, The Day the Earth Stood-offish, and more #PsychoSciFiMovies on this week's trending joke game!

Children’s Programming For Drugged Out Parents

The Flintstoned, Sesame Tweak, Barney the Purple Haze Dinosaur, and more!


Honey Boo Boo Bunches of Oats, Cookie Crispin Glover, Frosted Drakes, and more #CelebACereal on this week's trending joke game!


Fondue the Right Thing, Gouda Morning Vietnam, Brie Amigos, and more #CheeseAn80sMovie on this week's trending joke game!


StarSleet Academy, Excaliburrrrrrrrrgh!, The Blizzard of Oz, and more #FrostyFantasy on this week's trending joke game!


Dulled Wine, Peach Blahllini, Hot Buttered Glum, and more #DrearyHolidayDrinks on this week's trending joke game!


Frosty the Beer Mug, The First Towel, Spatu-fa la la, la la la, la la la, and more #HolidayAHouseware on this week's trending joke game!


Silent NyQuil, Hack! The Herald Angels Sing, Do You Have What I Have? And more #SickSeasonalSongs on this week's trending joke game!


Hellf, Whack Frost, Blight Christmas, and more #HarmfulHolidayMovies on this week's trending joke game!


Kurt Brussels, Bernie Mac and Cheese, Angelina Roll-ie, and more #CelebASide on this week's trending joke game!


Father Knows Breasts, Golden Shower Girls, Unmarried…with Children, and more #SinfulSitcoms on this week's trending joke game!


Fartichokes, Turdkey, Crapple Pie, and more #FartyFallFoods on this week's trending joke game!


Scorned Beef, Killed Cheese, Peanut Butter and Belly, and more #ScarySandwiches on this week's trending joke game!


Poultrygeist, Skin Milk, Gravey, and more #GhastlyGroceries on this week's trending joke game!


Retch-a-Sketch, Scare Bears, American Ghoul Doll, and more #TerrorToys on this week's trending joke game!


San Francisco 49°, Minnesota Hikings, Los Angeles Yams, and more #FallAFootballTeam on this week's trending joke game!


Flu Velvet, Mississippi Burning Sensation, Gout Of Africa, and more #Achy80sMovies on this week's trending joke game!


ReVoltron, Optimus Slime, R2D-Poo, and more #RottonRobots on this week's trending joke game!


The X-tacy Men, The Stoned Ranger, James Bong, and more #HighHeroes on this week's trending joke game!


Hulewd, Hotify, ParaMount Me + and more #SexyStreamingServices on this week's trending joke game!


Cinnamon Toast Punch, Frosted Aches, Scream of Wheat, and more #SoreCereals on this week's trending joke game!


Snoreos, Sneezecake, Snot Pockets, and more #SnottySnacks on this week's trending joke game!


Cruella De Bill Nye, Green GobLin Manuel Miranda, Queen Latifah of Hearts, and more #SupervillainACelebrity on this week's trending joke game!

Classic, Respected Literature As Tasteless, Lowbrow Poop Jokes

The Great Shatsby (by F Scott Shitzgerland), To Kill a Mockingturd, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and more!


Thumb Raisin, Salted Camel, Rocky Toad, and more #RuinAnIceCream on this week's trending joke game!


XBOX Wine, World of Winecraft, Portnite, and more #VinoAVideoGame on this week's trending joke game!


Crazed ham and cheese, French Dippy, BBQanon Sandwich, and more #PsychoSandwiches on this week's trending joke game!


XXX-Men, BoJack-Off Horseman, Screwby Doo, and more #CrudeCartoons on this week's trending joke game!


ZZ Topless, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Tongue, Twister Fister, and more #EroticRockBands on this week's trending joke game!


Anchovy Hathaway, Skate Winslet, Eel Patrick Harris, and more #FishACelebrity on this week's trending joke game!


Truth or Bare, Beer Thong, Taboob, and more #PervertedPartyGames on this week's trending joke game!


Stink Carnation, Bunflower, Tootlips, and more #FlatulentFlowers on this week's trending joke game!


10 Things I Hate About Poo, Moonsuck, Annie Hell, and more #RoastARomCom on this week's trending joke game!


Cadbury Scream Egg, Marshmallow Creeps, Jelly Fiends, and more #EerieEasterCandies on this week's trending joke game!


Beerleading, Mixed Martial Farts, Crack and Field, and more #SpilASport on this week's trending joke game!


Shrubs, Happy Daisies, Carnation 54 Where Are You? and more #FlowerASitcom on this week's trending joke game!


R2U2, HAL and Oats, Stone Temple Autopilots, and more #RobotARockBand on this week's trending joke game!


Crappy Meal, Murder King, SmackDonalds, and more #FuriousFastFood on this week's trending joke game!


Close Encounters of the Turd Kind, R2-PU, Dr. Who Farted? and more #SmellySciFi on this week's trending joke game!


Tabooze, Connect Pour, Guess Who got drunk, and more #BoozyBoardGames on this week's trending joke game!


Asspresso, Dickaffeinated, Chock Full O Butts, and more #CrassCoffee on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Desserted

Some are not a flan. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.


Crappn, Farters Only, EwwwHarmony, and more #FartyDatingApps on this week's trending joke game!


Pornbread, Sweat Potatoes, Pee-can Pie, and more #HorribleHolidaySides on this week's trending joke game!


The Sore Identity, Robotusssin Cop, The Last Traction Hero, and more #AchyActionMovies on this week's trending joke game!


Dairydevil, Moo Knight, Aquamanure, and more #CowAComicBook on this week's trending joke game!


Death Scab For Cutie, R.E. Phlegm, Gangrene Day, and more #RevoltingRockBands on this week's trending joke game!


Creature From The Bank Lagoon, Michael Buyers, Accountant Dracula, and more #MoneyAMonster on this week's trending joke game!

Vegetable-Inspired Halloween Candy No One Wants 

Jolly Radishes, Sour Patch Kales, York Bell Peppermint Patties, M&Ms (Mushrooms & Mushrooms) and more!


Kill Kat, Milky Slay, Scar burst, and more #KillerCandies on this week's trending joke game!


The Humid Centipede, Sauna of the Dead, Sweat Sematary, and more #HumidHorrorMovies on this week's trending joke game!


Fantastic Beefs, Harry Farter, Suicide Squat, and more #FartyFantasy on this week's trending joke game!


Pumpkin Up The Volume, Ice Sage, Fast Times At Ridgemont Chai, and more #FallFlavorAFilm on this week's trending joke game!


Game of Groans, Saved By The Yell, Freaks and Shrieks, and more #ScreamingStreamingShows on this week's trending joke game!


Jurassic Parka, Point Brrrrreak, Frost In Space, and more #ColdActionMovies on this week's trending joke game!


Iron Maiden Deficiency, Motley Croup, Food POISONing, and more #HeavyMetalMaladies on this week's trending joke game!


Yuck Woolery, Lames Corden, Drool Carey, and more #RoastAHost on this week's trending joke game!


Scabbage, Dead Crumbs, Creature from the Black Legume, and more #GhoulishGroceries on this week's trending joke game!


New York Melts, Colorado Rocky Road, Oakland Sorbets, and more #IceCreamBaseballTeams on this week's trending joke game!


Italian Wedding Night, Chicken and Humplings, Consummate, and more #SexySoups on this week's trending joke game!


Jon Hammer, Screw Barrymore, Nail Young, and more #CelebATool on this week's trending joke game!


The Mucus Man, Anything Flows, Damp Yankees, and more #WetMusicals on this week's trending joke game!


Flyneken, Stella Artwasp, Caterpilsner, and more #BugABeer on this week's trending joke game!


A & Wolverine, The Tonic Avenger, Groot Beer, and more #SuperheroSodas on this week's trending joke game!


Dafodylan McDermott, Keanu Leaves, Lilly Eillish, and more #CelebAFlower on this week's trending joke game!


Thaw and Order, Chill St Blues, Coldlumbo, and more #CopCopShows on this week's trending joke game!


Ballspice, MS-G String, Sinnamon, and more #SexySeasonings on this week's trending joke game!


Loo Costello, Pee Pee Herman, Piss Rock, and more #CommodeAComedian on this week's trending joke game!


Reese’s C-Cups, Mike and Ike and Suzy, The Poly Rancher, and more #RandyCandy on this week's trending joke game!


White Wine Castle, Gin & Sonic, Jersey Mike's Hard Lemonade, and more #DrunkFastFood on this week's trending joke game!


The Magic School-Choice Bus, Captain F The Planet, Blue's Coups, and more #RightWingKidShows on this week's trending joke game!


International House of Paincakes, Steak n Sheik, Au Bon Pin, and more #WrestlingRestaurants on this week's trending joke game!


Barf Rescue, Say Yes To The Mess, Outhouse Hunters, and more #RancidRealityShows on this week's trending joke game!


Dude Processor, Whine Opener, Wife Sharpener, and more #HorribleHousewares on this week's trending joke game!


Dreaded Wheat, CrankyBerry, Peanut Bitter Crunch, and more #SurlyCereals on this week's trending joke game!


The Little Sperm Maid, Seeping Booty, Beauty and the Yeast and more #DisgustingDisneyMovies on this week's trending joke game!


The King and Fungi, Oklahumid!, Sweaty Jersey Boys, and more #MoldyMusicals on this weeks trending joke game!


Wilson Cricket, Fly Stallone, Gnat King Cole, and more #BugACelebrity on this week's trending joke game!


Russell Stoner, Weedish Fish, Milk Buds, and more #CannabisACandy on this week's trending joke game!


Boobberry, Vice Krispies, Lusty Charms, and more #SinfulCereals on this week's trending joke game!


Ghoul Log, The Hills Have Pies, The Last Gingerbread House On The Left, and more #HorrorAHolidayFood on this week's trending joke game!


Pot Wheels, Donkey Bong, G.I. Joint, and more #TokeAToy on this week's trending joke game!


David Lee Broth, Slayer Cake, Korn Muffins, and more #HeavyMetalMenuItems on this week's trending joke game!


Three Men and a Baby Artichoke, When Harry Met Salad, The Princess Chive, and more #VegARomCom on this week's trending joke game!


A-Tisket, A-Casket, Hansel and Regrettle, Scar light, Scar Bright, and more #NightmarishNurseryRhymes on this week's trending joke game!


Arizona Cannibals, The Cincinnati Mangles, Boo England Patriots, and more #FrighteningFootball on this week's trending joke game!


The Pear Witch Project, Dragon fruit me to hell, Strawscaries, and more #HorrorFruit on this week's trending joke game!


War & Peach, The Lime Machine, The Karma Fruitra, and more #BookAFruit on this week's trending joke game!


The Jokra, Hannibal Lettuce, Gourd Voldemort, and more #VeggieAVillain on this week's trending joke game!


Laverne and ssssssshirley, Fresh Off The Bite, Serpent Strangers, and more #SnakeASitcom on this week's trending joke game!


The Grateful Deadpool, Flash Mouth, Green Day Lantern, and more #SuperheroABand on this week's trending joke game!


The Flesh, Goosed Rider, Just Ass League, and more #SleazySuperheroes on this week's trending joke game!


Root Beer Gloat, Dumb Raisin, Cookie Duh, and more #InsultingIceCream on today's trending joke game!


English Puffins, Baked Eggs, Pot Tarts, and more #WeedABreakfast on this week's trending joke game!


Humplings, Legs Benedict, Flirt Steak, and more #LustyLunches on this week's trending joke game!


Stock Traitors, Hateress, Loon Officer, and more #JeerAJob on this week's trending joke game!


Catherine Zeta Scones, Jon Hammburger, Dijon Warwick, and more #CelebAFood on this week's trending joke gme!

In Loving Memory

Charity Case was born in 1942 in Kansas City, to Albert and Sue Greenberg. She was a pillar of strength and kindness in the community. A doting mother, she is survived by two wonderful sons, Head Case and Basket Case, and a beautiful daughter, Vanity Case.


Brittle Shop of Horrors, Fry Fry Birdie, Pies & Dolls, and more #FoodAMusical on this week's trending joke game!


Scream of Tartar, Oreganoooo, Boosil, Goryander, and more #SpookySeasons on this week's trending joke game!


Sighclops, Sass quatch, Moodusa, and more #MoodyMonsters on this week's trending joke game!


The Da Vinci Choad, Charlotte’s Web Search History, Gone Hurl, and more #NauseatingNovels on this week's trending joke game!


Panic! At The Dildo, Spinal WAP, Death Cab for Booty, and more #RaunchyRockBands on this week's trending joke game!


Coke Zero Friends, Sunpissed, Ginger Fail, and more #SadSodas in this week's trending joke game!


French Nip, BLTease, Jon Hamm & Chesse, and more #SexySandwiches on this week's trending joke game!


Lint Chocolate Chip, Rocky RoadKill, Wookies & Cream and more #IckyIceCream on this weeks joke game!


'Quit the vape, get in shape', 'I resolve to evolve', 'Try to get more sleep and be less of a creep', and more #RhymeAResolution on this week's joke game!


Haunted Forest Ham, Ghost Beef, Pastrami on Eye and more #SpookySandwiches on this weeks joke game!


Wedgie Salad, Sneezer Salad, ColeSlaughter and more #SadSalads!


Chris Pineapple, Melon DeGeneres, Emma Stonefruit and more #FruitACelebrity on today's hashtag game!


Depreciation on Droids, Quidditch Gambling Debts, Parallel Dimension Deductions and more in our weekly hashtag game!

Dad Jokes: Just the Punchlines

I don’t know, CAN you assume I don’t want to be resuscitated? and more punchlines from Dad Jokes.