
CARTOON: Circle of Life
The family business of stress. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Give Your Dad the Best Father’s Day Gift Ever: A Long, Rambling Conversation About Steely Dan
So, you’ll need to introduce a suggestive phrase that’s maybe something like this: “So I discovered Steely Dan on Spotify.” At this point, you might not need to say anything for the next hour or five.

NEWS BRIEF: Grandpa Zoom
Weekly Humorist News Briefs: Breaking News, Into Little Pieces.

Fun Tips To Shaving Your Dad's Back
Needing to earn a bit of extra money on the side? Scoop up the latest batch of your dad's back-hair trimmings and sell to your stepmother for use in her collection of ex-husband voodoo dolls.

I’m the Guy who Makes the Fake Crowd Noise at Baseball Games, and Yes, I Have Been Secretly Inserting Rupi Kaur Poems
“Dad,” you say. “It’s poetry!” “NO,” he yells. “It’s BASEBALL. We should have never sent you to [liberal arts college]!!” Of course, you were both right. Which is why I’m coming clean...