
CARTOON: Ink Pride
Roaring Tribute. Today's cartoon by Lars Kenseth.

Exciting New Concepts for X-treme Tattoos and Piercings
Bottoms of Feet: Everyone has sleeves on their arms and legs, but how many do you see walking around with studded spikes on the soles of their feet? Or shuffling around? Hardly any!

CARTOON: Bark Mark
Wood you look at that. Today's cartoon by Bill Thomas.

What Your Animal Tattoo Says About You
Lion (male): Your masculinity is toxic. Lion (female): You’re forced to carry the emotional labor for your entire family. Scar from The Lion King: You are murderously jealous of your older, more successful brother.

Know what? Will give him 12 feet. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Seattle's Best
Not losing a wink with delts like these. Today's cartoon by Jason Chatfield.

Adam Levine’s Tattoos’ Thoughts on the Super Bowl Halftime Show
MERMAID WITH WINGS HOLDING A SKULL: How’s the show going, guys? I can’t see anything because I’m on the back.