
CARTOON: Brainy Buys
Dollars for Dummies. Today's cartoon by Sarah Morrissette.

Modern Day School Absence Excuses
"Tear gas residue in classroom still causing problems with allergies." "Sent home early as punishment for requesting a book from the school library." "Militia meeting ran late." And more!

CARTOON: Cool Teach
Consuming mushy knowledge. Today's cartoon by Andrew Dicus.

"Don't Smile Until Thanksgiving" and Other Tips for New Teachers
To earn your kindergarten students’ respect, start the year off strict and smile-free. Your students might test your anti-smiling resolve prior to Thanksgiving by saying cute things like, “You’re my best fwend” or “I wuv you.” Do not break. If students catch you smiling before Thanksgiving, they will probably assume you are a professional clown.

CARTOON: Whale Tales
Thar she blows, it's the bell. Today's cartoon by Joseph Dottino & Alex Pearson.

Welcome Back Students! Here’s Your Fall (of Humanity) Schedule!
Students will begin each day by sitting in a Safe Space Scream Circle. Punching bags are available for students who require a physical outlet of their brewing rage upon facing the harsh realization that existence past year 2050 is unlikely.

Ms. Bauer’s 5th Grade School Supply List (and Coping Mechanism) for 2021–2022
72 No. 2 Pencils (latex-free): These MUST be pre-sharpened. We’ve lost so much instruction time since March 2020 that we simply cannot waste precious minutes of the school day using the pencil sharpener. (Your kids will probably bring most of these home at the end of the year, unused.)

Remote Online Training Reluctantly Delivered To You Remotely From Your Remotely Conscious I.T. Staff
The Provost should have written this online guide, but he’s being tutored by his 9-year-old son learning HTML and Cobra in the likely event that budget cuts will slash our entire IT department. So after sharing some edibles, we are totally unprepared to prepare you.

A Back to School Message from Your Child’s Teacher, Mr. Axl Rose
Welcome to the Jungle Gym, aka Room 16. My name is Mr. Axl Rose,…