
Martin Short was Named After his Height and other Insight from an Unofficial Hollywood Tour
Hollywood isn’t just known for entertainment though, it is home to many famous restaurants. The iconic chain In & Out is to your right, which was first created as part of a promotional campaign for the 1997 Kevin Kline film of the same name.

Welcome to the Zuckerberg Mansion Audio Tour
You may have noticed you’re being followed. Don’t panic. The fully realized T-800 behind you was originally intended to guard the estate. Instead, Mr. Zuckerberg programmed the killing machine to be his friend, and lose against him in laser-tag. Now he’s just lonely. Sometimes, the two played “Spike Ball.”

CARTOON: Guilt Trip
Look but don't touch! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Cardi D Minus and 11 Other Discounted Bands Announce Summer Tours
The Pips, No Gladys, Perturbed Against The Machine, Some Doubt, The Jonas Brothers’ Cousins and more budget concerts coming this summer!

Welcome to Our Historic Castle and No You May Not Skinny Dip in the Moat
Which brings us to our last stop, the gatehouse and moat. Seriously, sir, why are your pants off. Sir! SIR! I don’t care if you read that medieval people skinny dipped in the moat, we’re not doing it now. This is the twenty first century.

White House Tour Excerpts
Probably the most offensive and glaring of the recent changes is the White House tour. Once a fascinating and enriching educational experience, the tour has become instead the ravings of a homeless madman who seemingly has wandered into the White House by accident

Washington, D.C. Travel Guide for Trump Supporters
Tens of thousands of Donald Trump supporters will be flocking…