
CARTOON: Home Office Management
No place to hide. Today's cartoon by Len Hawkins.

I'm Your Computer Keyboard And I'm Begging You, Please Stop Eating Over Me
If we can’t fix your messy eating, then we’re going to need to amp up your cleaning habits because as of right now, you’re not doing much for me. Your idea of “cleaning” is turning me over, rapidly shaking me, and wiping whatever debris came out onto the floor and straight into the rug.

A List Of Demands That Must Be Met For Me To Return To The Office
No one is allowed to comment on how early I’m eating my lunch. Instead of a desk and adjustable chair, I work on a Queen-size mattress. A whiteclaw mini fridge. And more!

Thanks To The Pandemic, Nobody Cares That I’m A Centaur
Look, I can think of a LOT of downsides to this pandemic. This constant, gnawing sense of uncertainty, a vague creeping panic over what tomorrow might bring, the inability to leave your house or live an ordinary life, maybe forever! But there ARE upsides. For me, anyway. Because thanks to the pandemic, nobody cares that I’m a centaur!

CARTOON: Time Off?
Home is where we always are. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

New Uses For Obsolete Bras
Dog harness, Privacy screens, and more uses for all those unused bras.

CARTOON: Zoom Face
Face froze? Might need a reboot. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Kitchen table feeling smaller and smaller? Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

Truly Terrible Tips For Staying Home To Avoid The Coronavirus
That huge stash of toilet paper you unwisely purchased at Costco? Flaming rolls of toilet tissue make great projectiles to discourage neighbors, family and other potential germ-farms from getting too close to your house.