
CARTOON: Retirement?
Maybe those golden years of driving a Uber. Today's cartoon by Rich Sparks.

Lesser-Known Quitting Styles
Tom Brady Quitting: You announce your retirement, spend 40 days at home with three kids, and then announce your comeback.

A Millennial Metamorphosis
Not sure why but I’ve transformed into a giant insect (see pictures attached). I tried sleeping it off but that didn’t seem to work. Rest assured though I am working hard to figure this out so that it doesn’t affect my job performance. I’m getting better at controlling the mobility of all these legs, so I can still dial into the 10am...

Weekly Humorist News Briefs: Breaking News, Into Little Pieces.

I Backpacked Across The Globe And Found Paradise And It Is The Open Office
There’s a thrill an office provides that’s unlike any experience available on the road. Chatting about weather with Marge from accounting is really no different than eavesdropping in a Paris cafe.

A Happy-Hour Cocktail Menu Sponsored by Your Company Benefit Cuts
Maternity Leave?? Sure…...ley Temple: Most of our staff doesn’t need to order this drink, due to strategic hiring choices, but if you’re thinking you might one day want to enjoy this delightful combination of lemon-lime soda, grenadine and a mouthful of maraschino cherries, let us know.

CARTOON: Volume Value
Volume non-value-add. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

Manager Handbook Chapter 12: So You’ve Hired A Woman. Now What?
Hiring competent people, regardless of their gender, is an important aspect of any manager’s job, but in today’s post #MeToo world, men in positions of power need to take certain precautions when they decide to allow a female into an office environment. No doubt she’s going to wreak some havoc simply by having breasts and walking around, so it’s important to prepare your male employees by requesting they review these guidelines and procedures should they have to interface with her.

New Career Suggestions For My Freeloading, Annoying, Worthless Coworkers
They certainly have the practice of pretending to be…