
CARTOON: Potty Mouth
Awareness has its draw backs. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Alexa, I Know American Democracy is On the Edge of Collapse, But I Need You To Play Baby Beluga by Raffi
Hey Alexa, I get it. America is about to have its second Civil War. We are a flaming pile of shit. There are a lot of noises in this house, lots of stuff being screamed at the TV, but I need you to focus up: my baby refuses to let me wipe her ass unless you play Baby Beluga by Raffi. You need to play Baby Beluga by Raffi.

“Alexa, Self-Destruct” And Other Ways To Delete What Alexa Records You Saying
With the recent news that Amazon’s Alexa device saves recordings…

How To Tell If Your Voice-Activated Personal Assistant Technology Is Trying To Kill You
1. You ask it to turn on the lights in your living room, and…

How to Get Your Amazon Echo to, You Know, Do It with You
The Amazon Echo is a tremendous technological feat. This one…

FOTO BOMB: Amazon Echo Columbo Edition
After recent news concerning An Amazon Echo may be the key to…