
CARTOON: Food Delivery
Perfect plan. Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

CARTOON: What a Croc!
But I suppose we all look alike to YOU! Today's cartoon by Amanda Chung and Vin Coca.

CARTOON: Office Tails
Heightened Hurdles. Today's cartoon by Catherine Martha Holmes.

CARTOON: Bird Words
Baby booked. Today's cartoon by Mira Scharf.

Movies In the Cocaine Bear Cinematic Universe
Alcohol Walrus, Weed Donkey, Ether Bunny, and more!

CARTOON: Hairy Heist
The night is ours! Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

Meet the Animal Mayors Running, Scampering, and Flying for Reelection in 2022
Tippy the Tortoise | Florida: Affectionately known as the “Marsh Monarch,” Tippy has been mayor of this coastal city for 95 years. He has seen mighty politicians rise and fall, and yet he has remained. Despite a rumored networth of $7B, he has been plagued by financial troubles: he has sired thousands of children and his exes are all extremely litigious.

CARTOON: Cat Island
Keep looking. Today's cartoon by Catherine Martha Holmes.

Assertiveness Training for Geese
At H.O.N.K., we believe in equality. A bold vision of a future in which all humans are equally terrified of geese. Where geese hold our rightful place at the top of the New Jersey Merrill Lynch corporate headquarters artificial pond food-chain. We are facilitating a 360-degree rebrand on the whole goose and nothing but the goose.

CARTOON: Bird Watching
But who is watching the watchers? Today's cartoon by Dan Misdea.

Something's afoot. Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

Cape Deer, Mortal Wombat, Farmageddon, and more #AnimalActionMovies on this week's trending joke game!

17 Extinct Dog Breeds
Palmeranian (phylangesis floofli) A toy breed known for its ability to hold a basketball and to tell the future the Palmeranian became threatened after the invention of gloves and mittens which led to its inevitable suffocation.

What Your Animal Tattoo Says About You
Lion (male): Your masculinity is toxic. Lion (female): You’re forced to carry the emotional labor for your entire family. Scar from The Lion King: You are murderously jealous of your older, more successful brother.

Laverne & Squirrelly, Stork and Mindy, Fresh Off The Goat, and more #animalsitcoms on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Bloomed
Thriving without us. Today's cartoon by Hilary Allison.

CARTOON: Going Deep
Maybe a little of both? Today's cartoon by Joseph Dottino.

CARTOON: Precautions
Has a point. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Decisions, Decisions
New Year, New You. Sigh, what the shell am I gonna wear today? Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.

CARTOON: In Holiday Heat
That's not Rudolph's nose. Today's cartoon by Brandon Hicks.

CARTOON: Christmas Spirit
Less is more. Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.

Rockefeller Turkey Farm- Turkeys You Can Be Proud Of
Here at Rockefeller Turkey Farm, not only are our turkeys vegetarian fed, organic, and free range, they are the only turkeys anywhere who've each earned a liberal arts degree.

The Art Of The Slaughter: 7 More Humane Ways To Kill Your Livestock
1. Take your animal to an upscale Italian restaurant. About…

Don Jr. Presents: Wonders of the Animal Kingdom
The Monkey
Our first animal today, children, is the…

Scientists Bring Back Dodo From Extinction For The Fourth Time
“Scientist leading ‘de-extinction’ effort says Harvard…

So You’re Thinking of Symbolically Adopting an Elephant
It may be the biggest decision in your life. If it is, consider…