
CARTOON: Unconventional Connections
Cult Sexpectations. Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

Signs That Your Summer Camp Is Actually a Religious Cult
Campfires used for roasting marshmallows and hot dogs, as well as destroying virgin sacrifice remains.

As a Former Cult Leader, Here’s What I Would Bring to the Role of Store Manager at Bath & Body Works
A goal of mine, if hired, would be to revamp your rewards program. A free product of their choice (value up to $16.50) and a few emailed coupon codes are not going to win you long-term loyalty from those who pledge membership. I would place staff in strategic locations like bus stations or airports to seek out those who seem alone and adrift, who crave the comfort that only a three-wick Peach Bellini candle can provide.

CARTOON: New Year's Eve
Hope everyone survived last night! Happy New Year! Today's cartoon by Brandon Hicks.

Quiz: Megachurch or Megamillions?
This institution is designed to suck money from hapless…