
CARTOON: Fall of Democracy?
No Rake Electors! Today's cartoon by Jus Kaplan and Jane Demarest.

CARTOON: Falling Out
Can't BeLEAF it! Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

Literary Classics Reimagined for Flu Season by My Inner Sophomore
Moby-Drip, The Scratcher in the Eye, Breakfast at Sniffany’s, And more!

I’m The Last Green Leaf On This Tree And I Will Not Give In To Fall Peer Pressure
I’m the last of my kind. A botanical bohemian. All the other schlubs on this shrub sacrificed their scruples. But I would never do such a thing. Each day that I choose to wake up this way is a testament to my chlorophyllic character. My integrity is evergreen.

CARTOON: Fall Foes
Should be called stays. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

Pumpkin Up The Volume, Ice Sage, Fast Times At Ridgemont Chai, and more #FallFlavorAFilm on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Pumpkin Pain
Been feeling a little scooped out? Today's cartoon by David Gomberg.

CARTOON: Operation Enduring Autumn
Don't fall for it. Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

CARTOON: Falling Down
Leaf me alone! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Signs That Summer Is Almost Over...
Anti-vaxxers adding plenty of ivermectin to their pumpkin spice lattes. COVID infection stories on the news are all Back To School related. And more!

Why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here. Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

CARTOON: Caffeine Cannibal
Tasty Tastelessness. Today's cartoon by Dalton Vaughn.

New Shows for the Fall Season
Everyone Loves Working From Home, Juicing With the Stars, and more!

Back To Home School Supply List
Mouse Pad (if unavailable, back issue of Entertainment Weekly from the bathroom will do). Beer Koozie (for the days when Dad is helping out). Pencil Box, with extra compartment used to hold Mommy's Xanax. And more!

Remote Online Training Reluctantly Delivered To You Remotely From Your Remotely Conscious I.T. Staff
The Provost should have written this online guide, but he’s being tutored by his 9-year-old son learning HTML and Cobra in the likely event that budget cuts will slash our entire IT department. So after sharing some edibles, we are totally unprepared to prepare you.

The Lulling Sounds of Autumn
The pouring of hot cocoa or maybe cider. Are the crickets getting closer?

CARTOON: Seasonal Strip
Show your branches! Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

Fall TV Preview!
America's Fuzziest Home Videos (Sundays, ABC) Home videos that seem to probably be hilarious, but that were filmed so out of focus that it's hard to tell. Adding just the right amount of wacky sound effects will probably help out quite a bit, we hope. You won't be offended at all, though, so take some degree of comfort in that. (Hosted by DJ Jazzy Jeff from his home via Skype)

Butternut Sasquash, Back to Skool-Aid, Pumpkin Lice and more #FailedFallFlavors on our weekly joke game!

Tips for Closing Up Your Summer Home
Did the neighbors see anything? Do they know? What is seen can never be unseen, but dead mouths tell no tales. Act accordingly.

Betsy DeVos Letter to New & Returning Public School Students
Welcome back students!
It’s so nice—and surprising—to…