
Conversations Between a Woman and the Dog She's Unknowingly Dating on 'Love Is Blind'
KELSIE R.: Babe! OMG that is so great you feel the same way! I’ve had no luck in the past and 100% of the guys I’ve dated have cheated on me. But you get me, and I know just by talking to you that you’d never stray. I’m getting loyal vibes! Maverick, I think–no I know–I’m falling in love with you. And you don’t have to say it back. I know it’s soon. [MAVERICK lifts his leg and pees in a plant.]

Questions That Couples on Love Is Blind Should Ask Next Season for Way More Successful Relationships
How many times do you typically snooze your alarm in the morning? What is the correct pronunciation of GIF? Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Why or why not? And more!

Other Reality Dating Shows Willfully Misinterpreting Famous Love Quotes
* “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” - Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet *
Now streaming on Netflix: A Rose As Sweet! One bachelor will date twenty women named Rose. The twist: he can’t see them or talk to them. He must decide which Rose to marry -- only by smelling them.