
New Year’s Resolutions From Parallel Earth Alpha Nova 7
Eat more scorpions. And more!

Tesla Announces Awesome and Super Not Dangerous Products for Females
NeuraBra: Have you noticed the lack of giant tits due to the cuckification of America? Behold the NeuraBra, an entirely new manner of strapping tig-ol-biddies up to your neck...and it’s controllable by your man.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Your New Clone
Congratulations on purchasing your new Cloneique Doppelringer3000. As with any new household addition, there are bound to be a few questions. Here at Cloneique, Inc. we have the expert support and useful tips needed to help you make the most of your whole new you.

Burning Questions for Greg, The Magical Talking Sentient Penis Pump
Q: How long should I microwave this Salsbury steak and corn dinner? I accidentally threw the box in the trash before reading the instructions, and I don't want to stick my hand into the garbage bin. Greg: Um... do I look like I eat to you? Listen, pal, I'm a sentient penis pump. The only thing I've ever eaten was the withered organ of an elderly man, and I can assure you that was under extreme protest.

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind, R2-PU, Dr. Who Farted? and more #SmellySciFi on this week's trending joke game!

Transcript From The Recent Emergency Meeting Of The Multiversal Council Of Kanyes
Kanye Earth 27- I call to order this emergency meeting of the multiversal Council Of Kanyes. Very sorry about the last minute notice, but I'm sure that we can all agree that things are getting out of control quickly. Kanye Earth XND- Jesus Florglatz, what has he done now?