
The Valentine’s Day Movie Marathon For Perennial Singles
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Minutes
The Last and the Spurious
The Princess Cried
Legally Blocked, And More!

Swipe Left Club
Not everybody gets swiped right on dating APPs. Some people get swiped left. Chalk it up to a bad haircut, a sick fetish, or a prison record, but some people just have that certain je ne sais quoi that can only be found in books, though not bestsellers. Excerpted from a new illustrated series by J.C. Duffy.

Valentine’s Day Has Lost Its Original Purpose: Raw Dogging (By: St. Valentine)
But this year doesn’t have to be ruled by Hallmark, a stuffed animal, or a candy organ. The only organ we should be celebrating is the one without a condom going in and out of a lover or even better, a stranger.

Trump No Longer President? Here’s 50 Things To Stress You Out Instead
Instagram notifying someone when you screenshot their story, Accidentally liking someone’s Instagram photo from six years ago, Accidentally liking your ex’s photo on Instagram from six seconds ago, and more!

CARTOON: Noncommittal Candy Hearts
The excitement of meeting someone new...I guess...whatever who cares. Today's cartoon by Cerise Zelenetz.

Dongs and Bongs, Weed harmony, Stumble, and more #StonerDatingApps on this week's trending joke game!

Valentine's From Your Mom's New Boyfriend
You're a the way OWL be moving my Bowflex into your playroom.

Valentine's for Your Roommate
Valentine, you still owe me for your share of the utilities for December & Thanks for being a quiet masturbator, Valentine. And more!

An Open Letter from the Giant Teddy Bear You Received Last Valentine's Day
Dear Roxanne,
It’s me again. 337 days, Roxanne. It’s…

Valentines for America's Most Beloved Sexual Predators
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching and so many winsome men…

Rejected Candy Hearts
Your Fist Is On My List
Four Fingers?!?