
Healthy Habits to Multi-Task While You Work, by Occupation

Air Traffic Controller: Take a Power Nap While The Planes Fly: Sleep is imperative to functioning during the work day. And let’s be honest, the planes pretty much fly themselves these days, right? In such a high-stress job, you deserve to get some shut eye so that you can power through the rest of your shift before the door of the Boeing plane flies off.

Acceptable Ways To Pronounce “Entrepreneuer”

Under Purr Knower, Entree Panera, Intruder Prawner, and more!

CARTOON: Fringe Fame

Tin foil trending sensation. Today's cartoon by Fergus Boylan.

No, I’m Not Prepared To Tell You How I’d Like My Hair Cut

Can you fundamentally change my personality and overall lot in life with this haircut, Dave? Because if so, let’s do it.

Euphemisms for ‘Influencer’ That Reality Shows Use to Make It Seem Like Contestants All Have Different Jobs

Content Creator, Freelance Content Strategy Specialist, CEO of Micro-Ad Sales, and more!

What I Imagine Happens When Your Tweet Goes Viral

Dogs ask to be adopted specifically by you, You can discuss politics at family parties, and no one will argue with you, and more!