The Lulling Sounds of Autumn

The crackle of a wood burning fire.
Crickets chirping.
A crisp breeze kicking up leaves.
The pouring of hot cocoa or maybe cider.
Ahh… those crickets.
An exhale of breath, visibly floating in air.
Friends laughing as a marshmallow catches flame.
Are the crickets getting closer?
Crowds cheering their teams towards the playoffs.
Oohs from someone spotting fireflies.
It’s all a trap! We’re under attack! The crickets are taking over!!!
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Ernio Hernandez (ernio.com) is a writer and artist. His work has appeared on Electric Lit, Retroist and The New Yorker. Follow him: @ernio_art on Instagram, @ernio on Twitter and Art by Ernio on Facebook.