CARTOON: Modern Legacy

It's what she would have #wanted. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

CARTOON: Kanye's New Name

That name might be taken already! Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Honest Voter Stickers

"I Voted...because the sticker matches my sense of civic duty, and also my new fall coat." Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Supremely Hazy Court

Is this party BYOB? Because that's no problem. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Presidential Portraits

Kim jong ill-fitting suit, The Mandarin orange candidate, Stable genius, and more.

Drunk Cartoon: In Your FFFFFace!

Let's go streaking! Cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Like Father, Like Bum

Today's cartoon by Pat Byrnes.

CARTOON: Presidential Alert


Surprise Nominee Gritty Elected To The Supreme Court.

Washington, DC—In a shocking move this morning, the US Senate voted unanimously to push surprise nominee Gritty though into the highest court in America. Gritty is a monster with an impeccable record, both in his academic standing and his professional history. He is known for his athleticism, hobby marksmanship and googly eyes.

CARTOON: Predatory Correctness

You made him cry, are you happy now? Today's cartoon by David DeGrand and Kit Lively.

CARTOON: Cut The Kavanaugh

Cheese or Kavanaugh? Today's cartoon by Pat Byrnes.

CARTOON: Phallic Fallacy

Phallic Fallacy. Today's cartoon by Philip Witte.

CARTOON: Minimum Requirements

You must meet these minimum requirements to enter. Today's cartoon by David DeGrand and Kit Lively.

CARTOON: Fish Foiled

Wait, what's the question? Today's cartoon by Jack Loftus.

CARTOON: Breakthroughs

Exciting Breakthroughs. Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.

CARTOON: Today's Greeting Cards

Can't keep these on the shelves. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Heavenly Expectations

Why was I trying so hard again? Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

CARTOON: Kavanaugh Georgetown Prep Yearbook

Goals: Supreme Court Justice or FBI (Federal Breast Inspector) Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers

Drunk Cartoon: Hurricane Wall

This will be the wettest most watery rain we've had. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Girl Talk

Want to really get her attention? Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein

CARTOON: Baby Shoes

Buyer beware. Today's cartoon by Sara Lautman

CARTOON: Power Switch

Leaving is definitely an upside incentive. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

CARTOON: Final Request

This guy can't go anywhere anymore. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Lamb Chops

Tough choices, maybe try the soup?

CARTOON: Midlife Coach

Mid-sized Budget? We can work with that.

CARTOON: Guess Who?

Can it be a lot of people? Just one? Feels like it could be a lot. Today's cartoon by Ivan!

CARTOON: Potato Funeral

Making those final arrangements can sound delicious. Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.

CARTOON: Hospital

"It's always about you." Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein

CARTOON: Tough Move

Tough move. Today's cartoon by Jeremy Banx.

CARTOON: President Homer

Mmmmmmm Fudge........cartoon by Bob Eckstein and Kit Lively

CARTOON: Final Flush

Making those important last arrangements for beyond the drain.

Sickly Bands

art by Dan McConnell

CARTOON: Trumpunzel

Trumpunzel, Trumpunzel, let down that hair? Everything is fine, just tweet away! Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein and Kit Lively

CARTOON: Drive-Thru

Nine cheeseburgers and a diet coke? Can you repeat that Mr. President?' Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein and Kit Lively

CARTOON: Thoughts and Pears

  written by Kit Lively

CARTOON: Why We Do Anything

The one true motivator.

CARTOON: Protest Profits

You can't argue with logic.


"But vaping is healthier" uuuhhhhh yeah we'll pretend that's true.

Drunk Cartoon: Driverless Car Chase

Some people are in it just for the chase - but that's not an issue here.

More Offensive Jackets Worn By Melania

Many were shocked and appalled by the First Lady’s lack of…

CARTOON: Other Things Cloned By Barbara Streisand

A second, identical nose on the side of her face. Neil…

CARTOON: Tonight on Primetime

Originally published in The New York Times.