Upcoming SyFy Channel Movies!
Queef Reef
A swingers resort located near the beach begins to lose members to man eating sharks, until a retired gynecologist discovers that underwater queefs keep the terrifying creatures at bay.
3 Headed Piranha Vs 3 Headed Lifeguard
The 3 Headed Piranha has finally met it’s match against the 3 Headed Lifeguard, until the latter unfortunately dies from complications due to his tragic deformity.
Let’s Make An Eel
A half man / half eel runs rampant on the set of the popular game show Let’s Make A Deal, and worst of all the son of a bitch ends up winning most of the prizes!
Jolly Fish
A young but brilliant marine biologist discovers a method of making jelly fish as docile as pets, but things go from bad to worse when the jelly fish begin humping legs.
Crabby Patty
Aquarium employee Daryl is totally fed up with his crabby wife bitching at him all of the time, so he plans to feed her to a large tank of ravenous crabs. Also, her name is Patty.
Billy Bob Thornton voices the title character, a simple minded but decent stingray who just wants to put in a good day’s work, but stupid rednecks keep forcing him to kill them.
Squid From Beyond
A terrifying squid from outer space heads to Earth for the purpose of conquest, but unfortunately is forced into the world of amateur pornography by unscrupulous locals.
SyFy finally gives you all what you’ve been clamoring for, 90 solid minutes of a CGI alligator feasting upon a CGI Tori Spelling.
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Kit has been a regular contributor to MAD magazine for over ten years, and has also been regularly published by National Lampoon, Playboy, The American Bystander, Funny Or Die, SpongeBob Squarepants Comics, Points In Case and many others. His work has been called “sort of like ‘The Far Side’, but more offbeat and often much funnier” by people who should clearly know better. He lives with his wife and two dogs, all of whom do their best to tolerate his presence