As a Former Cult Leader, Here’s What I Would Bring to the Role of Store Manager at Bath & Body Works
To the Area Manager of Bath & Body Works,
I wish to submit my application for the role of store manager at location #4971, Sevenoaks Mall. I believe I am well-qualified and have found great success in various types of management roles, most recently as the head of a small-to-medium religious sect. While I am not able to discuss the dissolution of that group in writing as it may be admissible as evidence, I can detail how this experience uniquely qualifies me to lead the team at Bath & Body Works location #4971 out of the darkness and into the Warm Vanilla Sugar-scented light.
In my former career I managed as many as 294 people at once, though I would delegate certain tasks to a small inner circle of 10 young women with similar hair textures. I believe in the importance of empowering your employees to be well-rounded and able to take decisive action on your behalf. Whether it’s anointing customers with your highest-priced item (You’re the One eau de parfum, $59.50) or leading what was intended to be a peaceful sit-in at the city records office, I seek to mentor and uplift.
As you may have seen on my CV (attached – unlockthewarriorwithin.pdf), my previous position often involved baptisms and the laying of hands. I am willing to train staff on these techniques so they can be used to their full effect on the shop floor. I understand that apostasy is very common in retail sales, so I will endeavour to collect compromising information on all employees to be strategically deployed should any of them defect to Lush or The Body Shop.
A goal of mine, if hired, would be to revamp your rewards program. A free product of their choice (value up to $16.50) and a few emailed coupon codes are not going to win you long-term loyalty from those who pledge membership. I would place staff in strategic locations like bus stations or airports to seek out those who seem alone and adrift, who crave the comfort that only a three-wick Peach Bellini candle can provide. If we position Bath & Body Works location #4971 as the only force in their lives that does not seek to sabotage them on the road to fulfilling their maximum potential, we could increase our year-on-year KPIs by as much as 15%.
The primary reason I am applying to this role is because I feel it would be an opportunity to correct some of my past errors. For example, I will not request that Bath & Body Works location #4971 be declared tax-exempt by the IRS as a religious institution. In my experience, this only draws undue attention from other government agencies and is not worth the potential decrease in overhead spending. I would also replace the controversial “demonstrations of fealty” with the more socially acceptable “team-building exercises”. Lastly, I would avoid taking creative liberties while disseminating corporate doctrine to employees, as I now understand that terms like “divine conflagration” may be interpreted in a variety of ways.
In conclusion, I believe I have all the qualifications necessary in order to be raised into the pantheon of Bath & Body Works location #4971 store managers. If you remain unconvinced by my testimony, please consult my attached references: Ma Shanti Om (℅ Fraser County Prison), Special Agent Joe Greenwood (who found “no evidence of a direct connection”), and Julie Tremblay (Area Manager, Lululemon).
Thank you for your consideration.

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Brianne Gagnon is a comedy writer and producer based in Toronto. Her work has appeared in Slackjaw, Points In Case, and any outlet that will let her talk about weird Canadian history. She can be found on Twitter @BrianneGagnon and wherever fine scented candles are sold.