Caesar Ignores the Signs
JULIUS CAESAR is getting ready to meet with the Senate. His wife, CALPURNIA, tries to talk him out of it.
CALPURNIA: Husband, please. I had a premonition—your statue drenched in blood.
CAESAR: The blood of my enemies, no doubt! Thank you, that’s a nice confidence-booster.
CALPURNIA: But don’t you remember what the soothsayer said? “Beware the Ides of March.”
CAESAR: Let’sjust cross that Rubicon when we come to it. When are the Ides?
CAESAR: And we’re fine! See, nothing to worry about. Now, where did I put those laurels…
CALPURNIA: Have you read the letterArtemidorus wrote you?
CAESAR: Ugh, Artemidorus.The “diviner.” We’ll see who’s diviner. You know I’m a descendant of Venus, right?
CALPURNIA: Yes, you’ve mentioned that many times.
CAESAR: Good. So what’s in this letter?
CALPURNIA: He says to beware Brutus, come not near Casca, trust not Trebonius, and mark well Metellus—
CAESAR: Boy, that’s a lot of alliteration.A little flowery for my tastes. But, in the spirit of democracy, what’sold Artie say about Cinna?
CALPURNIA: “Have an eye to Cinna.”
CAESAR: I’m no Catullus, but if you’re going to run with the alliteration, at least be consistent.
CALPURNIA: Husband, focus.
CAESAR: What’s our fireplace got to do with this? Anyway,the Senate adores me.Brutus and I have this special handshake—he’s always like, “Et tu, Caesar!” And I’m like, “Et tu, Brute!” It’s cute.
CALPURNIA: Didn’t you lie with Brutus’s mother?
CAESAR: I fail to see how that’s relevant.
CALPURNIA: Then why this morning did I overhear Brutus asking Casca how one might remove blood stains from one’s toga?
CAESAR: We get blood on our togas all the time! Do you know how many sheep I’ve sacrificed this week? I don’t even know who I’m sacrificing them to. I just don’t want to offend some minor deity who then burns my toast for the rest of my life.
CALPURNIA: Brutus specified that it would be human blood.
CAESAR: My guess? Requiescat in pace, Artemidorus. Guy’s got a spottier track record than that meteorologist who forecasts the weather by rummaging through bull innards.
CALPURNIA: I also saw several senators gleefully sharpening their daggers. One made a throat-cutting gesture and winked at me.
CAESAR: What? Which one?
CALPURNIA: Trebonius.
CAESAR: Well, trust not Trebonius. Now, when you say “several”—
CAESAR: Sixty?
CALPURNIA: Much of the Senate plots against you.
CAESAR: Why would anyone want to kill their boss?
CAESAR: Sixty guys, wow. They must be planning something big—a surprise deification ceremony!(laughs) Boy, that is really going to stick in Artemidorus’s craw.
CALPURNIA:I worry more about daggers sticking in your back.
CAESAR:Even if you’re right, how bad could it be? You stab a person four, five times, tops. He’s dead, we get it.
CALPURNIA: Husband, I beg you—
CAESAR: Look, Cal. I know it’s the Ides, and the soothsayer soothsaid some things, and you had a scary dream, and Artemidorus warned me about a scheme, and the fellas were sharpening their blades and making menacing gestures, and pretty much everything that’s happened this past month portends a grisly end for your beloved Julius…
CALPURNIA:Why do I foresee a “but”?
CAESAR: …but I’ve got a really great feeling about this meeting. I think it’s going to be rather momentous. Historic, even.
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Evan Allgood has written for The New Yorker, New York magazine, McSweeney’s, The Millions, Paste, and others. He lives in Brooklyn with his rescue dog, Petey. Follow and maybe later unfollow him on Twitter @evoooooooooooo.