Classic Album Titles Revised by a Guy Who Just Loves Music So Darn Much!
AC/DC: Back in “the” Black Because This Album Sold So Many Copies, Great Job, Mates!
Pink Floyd: The Dark Side of the Moon Must Be the Only Place Where They Didn’t Get to Hear This Record Fall in Love With It!
Michael Jackson: Bad? I Think You Mean Good, Mr. Jackson
Fleetwood Mac: The Rumours Are True: This is a Terrific Album!
Meat Loaf: Bat Out of Heaven, Actually
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Cosmo’s HIT Factory
Eagles: Hotel California is a Place I’d Like to Check Into if The Music They Play There Sounds Like This
Led Zeppelin: IV the Win!
Radiohead: Really, Really Great Computer
Adele: 21…Stars (out of 4)
Bruce Springsteen: Born in the USA, Which is Where I Live and I’m So Proud to Be an American Specifically Because of This Album
Nirvana: Don’t You Dare Say Nevermind, You Boys Keep Doing What You’re Doing, You Sound Great!
Kendrick Lamar: good kid, f.a.n.t.a.s.t.i.c. city
The Clash: London Calling? I Accept the Charges!
The Strokes: This IS It
Michael Jackson: Thriller!
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Brian Boone is a contributor to Funny or Die, Someecards, Splitsider, The Chive, and Looper, and his work has appeared on McSweeney’s, StarWipe, and many other fine humor and pop culture destinations. He’s the author of several delightful books, wrote a musical about pirates, and came in third on Jeopardy! once. He will clog your Twitter timeline with dad jokes.