Job Application: Russian Troll Farm
Internet Research Agency is searching to discover a supremely intelligent, motivated self-starting patriot for our operations of graphic design. The paradigmatic candidate is possessed by a spirit of adventure, an innate respect for Typography and what it represents, and an ardent skepticism of the Deep State.
The Requirements of the job are inclusive of the following attributes, but are not limited to said attributes, namely:
Dedication to meeting deadlines and expectations regardless of cost
Expertise in American current events and an avid consumer of major news outlets, inclusive of Breitbart, Fox News, Infowars, and the Intercept
3-5 years experience at a social media company, creative agency, or international real estate corporation
Demonstrated willingness to place the good of the collective above the needs of the individual
Regularly review Analytics data, research current trends, and develop timely content strategies in conjunction with Roger Stone’s Twitter feed
Fluency in Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Office Suite, and Iconography of the Third Reich
A strong understanding of Color theory and other Art fundamentals. A constant application and refinement of beautiful compositions, structure, and proportions in design should also be shown in the work
Please include in cover letter relevant experience, salary expectations, and bank account and routing number for transfer of all monies.
Plus but not required: familiarity with and affection for the songs of Emin.
Internet Research Agency is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of educational level attained, prior criminal convictions, sex, religion, or cuck status.
* * *
Dear Mr. Prigozhin:
Please find my resume for your consideration for the Graphic Design Officer position (American campus). I learned of the opportunity on the Daily Stormer’s job board. I believe my skills, background, and nihilistic sense of relativism would make me a strong fit with the Internet Research Agency team.
I am an ardent reader of the Internet Research Agency and appreciate the website’s devotion to questioning authority, such as when you published Michelle Obama’s real passport. While studying abroad in Copenhagen, I had the opportunity to expose myself to different cultures and ways of life, and I learned many new things that I have applied to my work, including how clean the streets are, how they don’t have as many black people, and a working proficiency in Chechen.
The Internet Research Agency’s commitment to cross-disciplinary web art has been a major influence on my own work, such as your graphic comparing Trump to Jesus and Hillary to Satan. Your meme featuring Nancy Pelosi fellating Chuck Schumer, it goes without saying, inspired an entire generation of neomasculinists. As you’ll see in my attached portfolio, I strive to similarly employ bold colors, photorealistic imagery, and threats of ethnic cleansing in my designs. Additional samples of my work can be found at
Furthermore, I have extensive experience in how to best utilize visuals in the social media space, both during my time at Facebook (June 2015 – June 2015) and as the designer of the logo used by the St. Louis Gas and Water Company during the fourth quarter of the 2014 fiscal year. You may also have seen some of the Holocaust memes I tweeted at Ellen.
In addition to my portfolio, please find enclosed contact information for Daryush Valizadeh (“Roosh V”). Mr. Valizadeh and I created the Facebook page for our chapter of A Voice for Men, and I know he will be eager to speak on my behalf. I am available to work remotely, but not in California, New York, or within 50 yards of any school.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
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Michael Bleicher and Andy Newton are above-average in height and know the harmony parts to most Simon & Garfunkel songs. Andy is an editor in New York City and Michael is a copyright attorney in Washington, D.C.