President Trump’s Black History Month Checklist
☐ Why no White History Month? Have someone look into that.
☐ Need to get more likes from black people on Twitter! Must make this a priority. Maybe start something called “Black Likes Matter“? Yes! Pretty sure that they’d love that!
☐ Begin plans to make another wall, but this time, a wall that they’ll all enjoy! They can write graffiti on it, and so on.
☐ Remind everyone that I had a meeting with Jay Z. Does that still count?
☐ High five a few of the janitors at Trump Tower.
☐ Remember my motto: “When it comes to grabbing pussy, a black cat is not bad luck.”
☐ Hum along and snap my fingers to some fine rap ditties. Vanilla Ice? Pet Shop Boys? The sky’s the limit.
☐ Spend some extra time with Dr. Ben Carson. Melania has been having quite a few headaches of late, maybe that’s a good opportunity to have everyone get together, have him take a look at her?
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Kit has been a regular contributor to MAD magazine for over ten years, and has also been regularly published by National Lampoon, Playboy, The American Bystander, Funny Or Die, SpongeBob Squarepants Comics, Points In Case and many others. His work has been called “sort of like ‘The Far Side’, but more offbeat and often much funnier” by people who should clearly know better. He lives with his wife and two dogs, all of whom do their best to tolerate his presence