Best Of 2021

Questions That Future Generations Might Have About Video Stores

 With the overall weight and density of the tapes, was carrying them considered a form of exercise for people of the era?

Did having to leave your house for something you wanted make you feel tired? Follow up, did leaving your house for something you wanted make you feel sad? 3. What happened when the video store didn’t have the video you wanted? Did you call a customer service representative on the phone and belittle them until they cried? Did you leave some kind of a self-righteous and scathing online review? Did you unleash a series of tweets in the form of an open letter and mobilize a small like-minded army against the establishment?

If the video store wasn’t open, but you wanted to watch something, did you just break in and take what you wanted or did you scream at the top of your lungs until something eventually happened?

Is it true that not rewinding the tapes before returning them was considered an act of treason, punishable to fullest extent of the law?

What if, God forbid, you didn’t give the video back to the store owner? What were the repercussions for something as heinous as that? Were you jailed? Burned at the stake? Some kind of a scarlet letter situation maybe?

Obviously, the person who allowed you to take these videos from the store was a person of immense power, as they were effectively holding all of the media for one geographic area. Were they of a royal lineage or a member of the aristocracy? At the very least, they must have held some kind of advanced degree or certification, correct? Was this an elected position?

What was the mechanism that prevented children from renting something that was more adult-oriented? Some kind of a scanning of the pupils perhaps or maybe a rapid return blood test?

How were the stores organized? Obviously there was a Marvel section, a DC section, and a Despicable Me section, but where were the other three films kept? 10. Operating under the assumption that the video store owner (borderline demi-God) must have been the wealthiest person in each town as they controlled the entertainment of thousands, were they typically philanthropic and gracious with their riches? Did they invest in any causes or the greater community? Did they allow the laypersons to bathe in their moats?

Was there a cleansing process between uses of the tapes? Did germs ever enter the equation? Assuredly the videos must have been properly sanitized between uses? 12. Let me make sure I understand this, a film was made, then shipped immediately (via Amazon two day shipping) to these video stores, just as films are now made and instantly available to view. There wasn’t any kind of intermediary viewing experience, right?