
Didn't Make It Into The 27 Club? There’s Still Time To Be an Icon
“The Apostles 33” That’s right. Thirty-three, AKA The Jesus Age. Dying at 33 could mean one of two things: 1) you’re a nepo-baby whose father’s fame gave you some perks and entitlement that ultimately got you into trouble in the end. The proof of this continues with Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, daughter-in-law of John F. Kennedy, who tragically passed away in a private plane crash at this age. The second thing this could mean is that you are fucking hilarious. The curtain closed during Act 33 for comedy geniuses John Belushi and Chris Farley, so if you’re 33 with an elite sense of humor I would consider it a full-on hex the next time someone comments “Dead.” on your funny Tik Tok.

Rude Celebrity Encounters
ROBERT DOWNEY JR. He was so rude when he walked into his mansion the night I broke in and passed out on the living room couch. Hey, I was drunk, you know? You’d think the guy could relate. He told me to get the hell out of his house before he called the police. Didn’t even add a “please.” The nerve of that guy.

The Rise and Fall of My Cat, Former Zoom Celebrity: An Oral History
Dr. Erica Nuñez (pet psychologist): It can be stressful when the power imbalance in the home shifts so dramatically, when suddenly the pet is outshining the owner.

A List of Celebrities Who Have Skied Into My Back in Park City, Utah
Robert Downey, Jr. :You may feel a bit envious that I got to meet Robert Downey, Jr. when he skied into my back in Park City, Utah, but there’s really no need to be jealous. Robert Downey, Jr. skis into everyone. But he’s just so charming when he picks you up, it almost makes you forget the bruises, so it’s not all bad.

Children’s Book Ideas For Bored, Out-Of-Touch Celebrities
Little House on the Canaries, Martha Speaks to the Manager, The Very Hungry IRS, and more!

Martin Short was Named After his Height and other Insight from an Unofficial Hollywood Tour
Hollywood isn’t just known for entertainment though, it is home to many famous restaurants. The iconic chain In & Out is to your right, which was first created as part of a promotional campaign for the 1997 Kevin Kline film of the same name.

Redd Foxgloves, Jimmy Hosta, Lou Weed, and more #FamousFlowers on this week's trending joke game!

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Cho, LeBron James and the Giant Peach, The Ceelo Green Mile, and more #CelebABook on this week's trending joke game!

Old Spice Girls, Fart Simpson, N*STINK, and more #SmellyCelebs on this week's trending joke game!

90s Movie Plot Points Adjusted for 2020
Titanic: The ill-fated ship never ends up sailing because, well, COVID. Jack ended up just hanging out in Southampton continuing to make each day count, and playing card games that allowed him to maintain a safe social distance. Rose of course ends up married to Cal, but not without building a really impressive Pinterest board of wedding ideas first! It made for a really boring movie, but the ending is now unbelievably happy. 1,500 people got to live, and the marriage between Billy Zane and Kate Winslet produced some ridiculously good-looking children.

Timothy Elephant, Chick Norris, Betty White Shark, and more #CelebAnAnimal on this week's joke game!

John Lennon’s Tweets Regarding Last Night’s Fallon Appearance
The cancellation of celebs knows no bounds.

We Regret to Inform You That Vantage Consulting Will No Longer Be Using Your Pigeons for Our Internal Memos
Over the past 30 years, we have taken great pride in being the only company that still uses pigeons for our office communication. As a company committed to the well-being of both our employees and customers, we have always felt that modern technology (electronic mail and plumbing) is tearing apart the very fabric of the family business.

Truly Terrible Make-A-Wish Foundation Requests
'Assisting Tommy Lee Jones in delivering a series of baby goats', 'Accompanying the cast of The Bachelor to the free clinic', and more!

Chris Pineapple, Melon DeGeneres, Emma Stonefruit and more #FruitACelebrity on today's hashtag game!

11 Celebrity Dogs from TV & Film and How They Utilized Their Fame
• Benji (Benji, 1974): Worked as a canvasser for the Reagan…

Quiz: Celebrity Kid Name or Snack Chip Flavor
1. Rainbow Aurora
2. Chile Lime
3. Wasabi Ginger
4. Apple

Golden Globe Categories That Don't Make it to Air
Best Performance By An Actor/Actress Trying To Bounce Back From…