
REVIEW: The Batman
It’s Emo Batman Versus the Zodiac Killer in a Reboot That—if Anything—Is Shorter Than Justice League

Gho-Ho-Ho-ost Rider, Silent Nightcrawler, The Dark Knight before Christmas, and more #HolidayASuperHero on this week's trending joke game!

Variants of Benedict Cumberbatch We Expect to See in The Multiverse of Madness
Megabit Colormatch, Bedouin Stumbled Back, Benadryl McCumber Act, and more!

The Flesh, Goosed Rider, Just Ass League, and more #SleazySuperheroes on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Never Again
They reboot everything. Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

CARTOON: Riot Geared
How embarrassing. Extra feather? Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: ASSterisk President
Definition of Sedition. Today's cartoon by Brandon Hicks.

CARTOON: Football Fries
Waked and Baked. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Playground Games for Representatives and Senators at Recess
Donald Says: A variation on the classic “Simon Says” and a GOP must-play. One person pretends to be Donald Trump and says, “Donald says '[insert action here]’.” All the players must do what Donald says. If the person doesn’t insert “Donald says” when requesting the action, those who do the action are out. The last person still in office, or not yet roasting in hellfire, wins.

CARTOON: Huckzilla
Huckzilla heads home. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Trump Blimp in USA
Everything else, pretty accurate. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Sean Spicer’s Dinner Speech While Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Coworkers at Chili’s
Thank you all for coming. Everyone here is…here.…

President Trump Welcomes the First Pet
“Black crows in the meadow
Across a broad highway

Welcome to The Wire-Tap! The DC Area's Premiere Beer Garden.
Bar Snacks
Sleeping With The Ene~meatballs
If we're…

News From the White House Got You Down? Try Presidex!
Do you ever find yourself staying up through the wee hours of…

Alternate ways of paying for the wall
Now that Mexico has refused to pay for the wall that the Trump…

White House Confidential: Overheard During Trump’s First Week In Office
Anyone got a thesaurus? I’m running out of synonyms for the…

Alternatives to Alternative Facts
The truth seems to be a fickle thing in the new White House,…

Phone Messages Left on My Senator’s Voicemail
[BEEP!] Hey, there! It’s Andy. I was just calling to check…

President Trump's First News Conference
"We take you to Washington D.C. where President Trump is about…

Washington, D.C. Travel Guide for Trump Supporters
Tens of thousands of Donald Trump supporters will be flocking…

Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
Meanwhile, in Donald Trump’s White House…
The next President…

Obama Sticky Notes
Sticky notes that President Obama has left around Washington…