
Movie Roles Tom Hanks Lost By Being Too Tom Hanks

Movie: Barbie, Role: Beach Ken What happened? Hanks could not beach.

Famous Movie Lines Had They Used A.I.

The Godfather, Star Wars, Terminator, and more really lose their zippy taglines in this illustrated list.

REVIEW: Halloween Ends

I take no pleasure in dogging Halloween Ends. I’m literally its target audience. Regardless of quality, there are very few slasher films I don’t enjoy, including the worst of the Halloween sequels! Unfortunately, this movie spent too much time in a room with its own farts and forgot it was even supposed to be a slasher movie.


Pumpkin Up The Volume, Ice Sage, Fast Times At Ridgemont Chai, and more #FallFlavorAFilm on this week's trending joke game!

Closing Credits From The Biopic Of Charles Lindbergh’s Baby

JENNIFER ANISTON as Search Party Volunteer 21, JENNIFER GARNER as Search Party Volunteer 22, JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT as Search Party Volunteer 23, JENNIFER JASON LEIGH as Search Party Volunteer 24, JASON LEE as Search Party Volunteer 25, and more!

TV Snide

'Oh boy! More Streaming Services!? Maybe they could put them all together on one bill, oh wait, we had that and f*cked it up!' 'The Voice: Sorry, Folks, No Good Singers Left' and more in this issue of TV Snide!

Totally True Oscar Facts

Tom Hanks, Sean Penn, and Jack Nicholson are secretly all the same man. Disney's Dumbo is the first NC-17 film to ever be nominated. No one has ever seen The English Patient. And more!

The Following Preview Has Been Approved For All Audiences By The Motion Picture Association Of America


Every Interview With a 1970s Hollywood Producer

Interviewer: Exactly how much cocaine did you do in the 1970s? *Note: Bergmann stands up, proceeds to get a ladder, and climbs to the second to last step on the ladder, so he can hold out his hand and give an accurate representation regarding the height of a mass cocaine mountain.

Martin Short was Named After his Height and other Insight from an Unofficial Hollywood Tour

Hollywood isn’t just known for entertainment though, it is home to many famous restaurants. The iconic chain In & Out is to your right, which was first created as part of a promotional campaign for the 1997 Kevin Kline film of the same name.


A pioneer of alternative comedy and star of numerous Generation X cultural touchstones, Janeane Garofalo possessed a voice for the ages. Literally and metaphorically the voice of a generation, her sarcastic, vulnerable, over it, and overwhelmed timbre was so definitive to the ‘90s that a lot of people thought she provided the voice of Daria on Daria. She didn’t, but more than two decades removed from her zeitgeist-defining days, Garofalo finally gives voice to an animated version of her persona in the form of Debora, the protagonist and focus of Lava, a futuristic movie about present-day themes.

Teen Comedies For The Upcoming Post-Apocalyptic World

National Lampoon's Animal Cave: What sort of hijinx ensue when humans are forced to live in caves with wild animals? The animals eat the humans, we assume.

EXCLUSIVE! "The Shout Out" Quarantine Comedy Short Filmed Entirely on Phones in Lockdown Premieres!

A Reality Star joins Cameo during quarantine and has a meltdown while recording a birthday message for a fan.

CARTOON: Seattle's Best

Not losing a wink with delts like these. Today's cartoon by Jason Chatfield.

Auteur Director Failed Pitches for Superhero Films

John Waters - WONDER WOMAN The origin story will remain largely the same, except that Wonder Woman will be played by drag icon Divine. She’s an S&M dominatrix and punishes Nazi’s with her whip and cuffs which are golden Nuvarings.

Other Movies We Should Also Add James Dean Into, Now That This Is Something That We, As A Society, Do Apparently

Well, looks like we’ve opened up Pandora’s box, folks! An upcoming independent film will be digitally adding James Dean into it, further blurring the increasingly-tenuous line between CGI and reality.  However, since this is something that we, as a society, are apparently cool with doing now… here are a few more movies that we should digitally insert James Dean into!


Brains, Chains & Automobiles, Love, Hackually, It's A Wonderful Knife, and more #HorrorHolidayMovies on our weekly joke game!

Dr. Frankenstein And The Terrifying Trailer For The Film Version Of Cats

“Why are some of the cats wearing fur coats?” repeated Igor. “If they’re cats, why do they need clothing? And if the coats are made of fur, then what are they using to make the coats? More cats?

ALT-Right Film Festival

Tiki Torch Song Trilogies The Kids Are Alt Right Do…

Notes to Melville (Starbuck's)

There in a stark New England room is Herman Melville: white hair,…