
How To Support Queer Folk During Election Season With Very Little Effort
Put a tiny rainbow flag in your pencil cup. And more.

CARTOON: Roaring Misunderstandings
Bear-y Awkward. Today's cartoon by Jus Kaplan and Jane Demarest.

Rainbow Capitalism Products That Companies Confidently Assumed the Gays Would Buy During Pride Month
LA Dodgers Rainbow Nun Habit: Missing your favorite drag nuns? Buy this habit from us- the ones who uninvited them from our LGBTQ+ Pride Night in the first place!

Corporate Statement Templates For This Pride Month
Pride Parade Float Is Set On Fire : We here at [cabal of billionaires/actual power behind the government] are [saddened/overjoyed] to hear about the [tragic/wonderful] events that took place at the recent Pride parade.

Totally Straight High School News Your Administration Will Approve Of
Homecoming Court Includes No Students With Hair Dyed Purple, Choir To Put on Concert Consisting of Dave Matthews Band Discography, English Department Announces Pronouns No Longer Allowed in Student Writing, and more!

This Pride Month, Ben & Jerry’s Is Introducing New Flavors To Help You Come Out To Your Aging Parents
Honey, I'm Combing Out: If all else fails, just buy them this honeycomb ice cream, put on the Donna Summer classic and call it a day.

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Protects Our Most Vulnerable — People Who Are Still Homophobic in 2022
Regardless of how you feel about this bill, you have to admit that it does protect a vulnerable group of people. Just like alligators, homophobic people in 2022 are Florida’s largest export to New York through the sewer system. And also like alligators, they only bite if provoked. And unprovoked. And anytime they hear any word that starts with the letters “GA.”

CARTOON: Yuletide Ban
Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand!

Rainbow Trout and 13 Other LGBTQ Friendly Things Hungarian Right Wingers Might Want to Ban Along with The Musical Billy Elliot
You really just have to get rid of all of it or people might actually start being themselves.

Cakes Religious Bakers Are Willing To Make
If you live in a God-fearing town, there are plenty of non-traditional,…