
An Open Letter to the Personal Trainer Who Entered the Gym Washroom and Yelled, “Fuck, It Smells Like Shit in Here!”
Look, I know the washroom stunk when you came to use the urinal, but what did you expect? The urinals are directly in front of 5 bathroom stalls, which were all in use. That’s 5 guys dropping a deuce in an enclosed space. Do the math: 5 times deuce equals double-digit dumping. You don’t have to be a genius to know that’s not going to smell like potpourri.

CARTOON: Pickle Pump
Jarring. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

Our Gym Would Like to Apologize for Yesterday’s “Train Like A Viking Of Skagafjörður” Workout
It has come to our attention that yesterday’s WoD (workout of the day), The Skagafjörður Viking 9000, has received universal criticism from those in attendance. In an anonymous survey sent earlier today, more than one member mentioned the class caused “explosive head trauma,”“neverending nightmares,” and “plantar fasciitis.”

An Open Letter To Whoever Is Abandoning Their Used Underwear On The Shower Towel Hook At The Gym
Towel hooks should only be used for towels, not underwear. Think I’m being too vigilant? Consider that you’ve been sweating into your skivvies for long enough that your sweat has overwhelmingly stained the fabric, transforming them into a disgusting Rorshack test. I’m not even sure if, in their current state, we can still refer to them as underwear. No, they’re more like a sweat rag with an elastic waist.

CARTOON: Worked Out
It's nice to get back to a routine. Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

Yes, The Other Team Is Bigger. Yes, They’re Undefeated. But We've Got 290 Unique Cheers
Yes! Purr loud and proud, my sassy little Andrew Lloyd Webber Cats! But remember: we can’t lose focus! Ball goes out of bounds? Launch right into “Outbound and Down, We Shake It All Around.” Someone makes a layup? Pick one of the 20 cheers listed in your “wrist coaches.” And don’t forget the unique, guttural chant for each minute that passes on the game clock. We’ve only got 36 minutes of game time to get through all 290 of these things! So no matter what: don’t stop cheering. If you’re guarding someone, that means you’re not cheering. AND YOU SHOULD BE CHEERING!

Gym Alternatives
Drink so much coffee that your heart rate is the same as it would be if you ran 100 yards. That has the same effect on your body, right?

CARTOON: Parched
It's probably nothing. Today's cartoon by Madeline Horwath.

Downward Spiral, Lazy Dog, Remote Control Reach and more #BadYogaPoses on our weekly joke game!

CARTOON: Why We Do Anything
The one true motivator.

Man Stretches Out In Gym – Against His Will
CHARLESTON, West Virginia -- Ralph Swane went to his gym expecting…

15 Things That Are Unquestionably True at the Gym
Assuming the spread-eagle position in public is perfectly okay…