
War of the Roseannes, My Name Is Earl Of Sandwich, Cybil War, and more #HistorySitcoms on this week's trending joke game!

Other New Florida State Board of Education Guidelines
World War I: Not necessary to teach - too boring. World War II: Describe how even broads can find a place in society once learning a marketable skill. Catholic Church sexual abuse cases: Never happened. And more!

CARTOON: Prehistoric Critic
Lacks originality. Today's cartoon by Lance Hansen.

LinkedIn Through the Ages
SURREY, ENGLAND – 1502 A.D. I’ve been sitting on this news (heh) for weeks, but I’m thrilled to finally announce that I’ll be joining Richmond Palace as King Henry VII’s new Groom of the Stool! I’m a HUGE fan of the king’s small intestine, and I can’t wait to sit across from him and pick his brain while his legendary guts do their thing. Other than being a Tudor, he’s totally self-made. I’m kind of stoolstruck, tbh.

George Washington’s Secret to Glowing Skin
As part of InStyle’s history issue, we’re holding our beauty blenders up to the annals of time to examine the skincare routine of Founding Father George Washington. Your history teacher probably glossed over the fact that Georgie was known from sea-to-shining-sea for his luminous skin and microscopic pores. Keep in mind, this was several years before the popularity of electricity or Vogue’s Youtube channel.

The Official Dream Dinner Party Podcast w/ Gary and Ross
If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who do you pick? How do you choose? And how can it all go terribly wrong? Hosts Ross Bullen and Gary Almeter ask comedy guests who they would invite and why they are wrong. Get the book today!

Historical Tinder
Frida & Diego: 2 miles away. Poly couple looking for a third. Anti-communists swipe left. And more!

Grandma’s Quick & Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies and Entire Life
One Cup Sugar: In 356 BC, my Grandma, ever the socialite, found herself in the company of Alexander The Great – or as she called him, Alexander The Good Enough – and learned of this incredible new substance he had encountered during one of his campaigns: sugar. According to my Grandma, he told her it was the sweetest thing he’d ever found, to which she responded, “that’s because you hadn’t met me yet.”

CARTOON: Rock Star
B.C. Business. Today's cartoon by Shannon Wheeler.

Kama Sutra Positions Inspired By Terminology On Your History Exam
The Bay of Pigs Invasion: The woman positions a chorizo Cubano in such a way as to provoke the man to perform a Sneaky Castro. As American citizens, you are officially not involved.

I’m Your Web Browser’s Private Mode And We Need To Talk
Why do I have to be reserved for the filth? For the dirty work? For scoping out past significant others or scouring social media accounts for details on future Hinge dates, or looking up the activities of current archrivals to ensure that they’re not more successful than you are? Or looking up things about QAnon? For your deep dives into pornography in the middle of the day while you “work from home”? For your shameful schadenfreude? Why do you save this spelunking for me?

CARTOON: Sign Here
I'm writing on your crack, does it tickle? Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

CARTOON: Sleepy South
Might need something stronger then coffee. Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

1930s Life Skills Adapted for the Next Great Depression 2.0
Spruce up the walls of your shanty lean-to with copies of your viral tweet.

CARTOON: Ratings Gold
Did you see? Number 1 on all the networks. Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

Anatomy of a Sketch: Derrick Comedy’s “Thomas Jefferson”
In the mid-2000s, when college sketch group videos were suddenly all over the place, Derrick Comedy easily made the best ones. Derrick was a five-person operation originally out of New York University best known for their 2009 cult classic feature Mystery Team, but they also made “Thomas Jefferson,” which is, fun fact, the greatest comedy sketch of all time. Really.

OK Doomer. We are just getting started. Happy New Year! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Trump History
The Pilgrims struggle with bluetooth, next time on Trump History. Today's cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Half-Assed Apologies From Historic Leaders For Egregious Crimes Against Humanity
Pharaoh of The Exodus
When I enslaved the Israelites…

A Brief History Of Thumb Twiddling
ADELAIDE, Australia - Most people see someone twiddling their…

Smithsonian Institute Proves George Washington Wore Wooden Pants
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Stories have abounded for…

A Timeline of the Development of the Modern Democracy
1294 B.C.E. – Egyptian scribes break the first-ever…