
Sure, We’re Cutting Funding for Libraries, but Our New 17 Million Dollar NYPD Subway Security Robot Is Gay
But whatever you do, don’t make eye contact with Eduardo. If you do, he’ll call you a derogatory slur and then shoot you with a very real gun. We’re still working out some bugs. However, Eduardo’s gun is decorated with the lesbian pride flag. He might be a $17 million dollar gay male NYPD subway security robot, but deep down he’s just an ally doing his best.

CARTOON: Roaring Misunderstandings
Bear-y Awkward. Today's cartoon by Jus Kaplan and Jane Demarest.

Quick close your eyes! Today's cartoon by Patrick Hickey.

Rainbow Capitalism Products That Companies Confidently Assumed the Gays Would Buy During Pride Month
LA Dodgers Rainbow Nun Habit: Missing your favorite drag nuns? Buy this habit from us- the ones who uninvited them from our LGBTQ+ Pride Night in the first place!

Corporate Statement Templates For This Pride Month
Pride Parade Float Is Set On Fire : We here at [cabal of billionaires/actual power behind the government] are [saddened/overjoyed] to hear about the [tragic/wonderful] events that took place at the recent Pride parade.

This Pride Month, Ben & Jerry’s Is Introducing New Flavors To Help You Come Out To Your Aging Parents
Honey, I'm Combing Out: If all else fails, just buy them this honeycomb ice cream, put on the Donna Summer classic and call it a day.

All Saints Catholic High School Presents “Angels! in America! The Musical!”
No doubt about it, Angels! In America! is my new favorite musical - it’s even better than Grease! While the show is incredible, it’s not for everyone. There is some very heavy subject matter that may upset some young children, and the first six rows will get wet.

Inadvertent Straight Pride Parades
A Wharton Alumni Reunion, A Zac Brown Band tailgate, A UCB sketch comedy team and more!