
CARTOON: Fin-Tensive Therapy

Shark Tales. Today's cartoon by Michael Litwak.

CARTOON: Purrsonal Space

Whisker Woes. Today's cartoon by Mat Barton & Adam Cooper.

CARTOON: An Inner Search

In Search of Self. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Privacy Pixels

Time to order more pizza, tissues, and ice cream? Today's cartoon by Rachelle Meyer.

What Your Therapist's Couch Says About Them

Armchair: A regular therapist. Chaise lounge: A regular therapist, who takes naps between clients. High chair: A therapist who specializes in child developmental therapy and clients of all ages who throw their food.


Good Doctor. Today's cartoon by Thomas Wykes.

CARTOON: Feelings Flight

Landing gear is down and so are my walls. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

CARTOON: Support Speak

Too close for comfort. Today's cartoon by Frega DiPerri.


Toying with feelings. Today's cartoon by Steve McGinn.

The 5 Stages of Grief Automated Voice Message System

Now tell me: Would you do anything to bring your friend or loved one back? If so, say “BARGAINING”. You can also say, “I’M STILL ANGRY” or throw your phone out the window. / Bargaining. / Sounds like you’re currently in a state of BARGAINING. Would you like to hear about exclusive travel deals from our sponsors? / No. / Got it. We’ll still text you with those offers after this call...

CARTOON: Check Yourself

Light of my life. Today's cartoon by Shelby Parker.

Your Psychiatrist’s Generalized Anxiety Survey

In the past five days, how often have you experienced nervousness or felt on edge? …skipped meals or experienced low or no appetite? …avoided social interactions, even with loved ones, such as a partner/spouse? If you answered “Sometimes,” was it to avoid hearing your partner/spouse mention their coworker Paul again and how funny and clever he is?

Excerpt from Mick Jagger's Time in Analysis

MICK JAGGER: I can’t get no satisfaction. THERAPIST: Isn't this starting to feel a bit repetitive for you?  MICK JAGGER: I can’t get no girl reaction. THERAPIST: That doesn’t sound like what you told me in last week’s session.

CARTOON: Dog Therapy

Fetch my feelings. Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

Truly Terrible Signs You May Be Staying at a Bad Rehab Center

During art therapy, you're encouraged to "reach your inner artist" by sniffing the markers.

Analogies For My Therapist

‘SOS’ : Deserted island :: Cups on my nightstand : Depression, and more!

Some Blunt Feedback from Your Therapist’s Cat During Telehealth 2020

When you find yourself saying to Ryan, “I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before,” take a deep breath and understand that you have. You have mentioned that you have “a weird thing about vomit” as well as “a weird thing about not wanting to wake up in a panic one night beset by guilt, regret, envy, and vomit,” in addition to “a weird thing for redheads.” These are called, respectively: duh, okay, and ginger tabbies are the best category of every species.

CARTOON: Believe

Giving til your hollow inside? Merry Christmas! Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

CARTOON: Ganging Up

Multiple Professional Personalities. Today's cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

CARTOON: Smotherly Love

Now wipe that schmutz off your face! Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

Jesus of Nazareth Goes to Therapy

We can work on Your feelings towards the Romans another time. Have You tried listening to that podcast I recommended about letting go of the past?

CARTOON: Phallic Fallacy

Phallic Fallacy. Today's cartoon by Philip Witte.

CARTOON: Breakthroughs

Exciting Breakthroughs. Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.