
Interview With This Year's Presidentially Pardoned Turkey
Travis Turkey: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful... but it's really bizarre, frankly. I had definitely had way over the amount that night, and if anyone else walked away from the wreckage, I didn't see it. Admittedly, I was still pretty stoned, so things were a bit blurry. Really difficult to believe that I've been pardoned, all things considered. But as I said, I am grateful. Especially after causing all that damage on Jan 6th...

CARTOON: Thanksgiving Birdzilla
Thought it was a parade balloon, until it was too late. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Thanksgiving & Taking
That's some bad, luck. Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole.

The Final Diary Entries From the Turkey That The President Did Not Pardon
Just as I begin to feel at peace with my impending death, I think about the turkey that the president is pardoning tomorrow. It isn’t fair. I don’t even know who it is yet, but it isn’t fair. If it’s Marvin and his ball sack-looking ass neck I’m gonna scream.

What Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dish Says About You
Stuffing: Nobody likes you, but no one wants to admit it because we all feel like you need to be there even though you kind of suck. Turkey: You basic bitch. Jello Mold: You're a suburban aunt. And more!

CARTOON: Gobble Gore?
Thankful it's just a movie. Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole.

CARTOON: Done yet?
Happy Thanksgiving! Today's cartoon by Teresa Burns Parkhurst.

CARTOON: Thanksgiving Simulator
Feel like you are really there! Today's cartoon by David Ostow and Ellis Rosen.

Trump Turkey Pardon
We just need a signature here, here and here....everything will be taken care of, and then the turkey and his family will be in no way held liable for any crimes past or present. But if there's any room for disagreement, I may be willing to haggle regarding a member or two of the turkey's family. Like the turkey's sons, just as one example.

CARTOON: Pardon Me?
Get stuffed. Today's cartoon by Andrew Dicus.

CARTOON: Mitch McConnell Neckrophilia
How Mitch McConnell spent his Thanksgiving. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Rockefeller Turkey Farm- Turkeys You Can Be Proud Of
Here at Rockefeller Turkey Farm, not only are our turkeys vegetarian fed, organic, and free range, they are the only turkeys anywhere who've each earned a liberal arts degree.

New Turkey Stuffings To Keep Thanksgiving Interesting
A slightly larger turkey
Creamed corn