
Soaring Surge Pricing That We Don’t Want to See
When you hit the last few pages of that best-selling mystery that you’ve downloaded to your Kindle. And more!

Wendy's Daily Planner
5:30 AM- Delete several dozen dick pics from Burger King. 6:15 AM- Spend 45 minutes getting these fucking pigtails just fucking right. 5:30 PM- Yet more bullying texts from the ghost of my Dad pretending to be Grimace. And more!

We, Arby's, Regret to Inform You We No Longer 'Have the Meats'
We do not anticipate needing to resort to desperate measures, such as having veggies.

The Social Media Intern’s Deleted Tweet Drafts
Hey Google: Is it legal to sell my company’s couch and keep the money? Damnit, Google, no! Don’t tweet that!