
Children’s Books in the Age of Trump

Charlotte’s Web of Lies

The Little Engine That Could by Declaring a National Emergency

The Rosenstein Bears

Cloudy with a Chance of Jim Acosta

Illegal Immigrant Mexican Dragons Love Tacos

Everyone Poops, Russian Hookers Pee

The Velveteen Robert Mueller

The Lying Tree

Manafort the Spy

Go Away, Big Orange Monster!

Belittle Women

James and the Giant Impeachment

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did You Know and When Did You Know It?


My Huckabee is Stuckabee!

Where the Wild Tax Returns Are

The Stinky Cheeseburger Man

Horton Hears a Whore

If You Gave a Mouse $130,000.

Rain Makes Applesauce, and Other Climate Hoaxes

Omarosa the Pest

A Caravan of Criminals and Rapists to Tarabithia

Twitter Account of a Wimpy Kid

Yertle the Traitor

Eloise at Mar-a-Lago

Curious George Conway

Goodnight, Goodnight, Border Wall Construction Site

Scaramucci and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

Good Dog, Rudy

Moo, Baa, La La La, Covfefe!

Orange Eggs and Ham

How Rocket Man Learned to Read Trump

We Are In a Book! I Mean a Subpoena!

The Cat in the MAGA Hat

The Tale of the Steele Dossier: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some Soup, a Spool of Thread, and Urine-soaked Sheets

Strictly No Elephants or Mexicans

Melania Had a Little Overcoat

Aesop’s Alternative Facts

The Lyin’, the Witch Hunt and the Wardrobe

Fox News in Socks News

The Swiss Family Robinson Separation

The Shithole Country Mouse and the City Mouse

The Princess and the Pee Tape

Chuck and Nancy Drew, Boy and Girl Obstructionists

Gulliver’s Travel Ban

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Access Hollywood Bus