Best of 2023
Failed Pitches From The Guy Who Invented Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
Highly Flammable Cheetos
A Hint of Danger Cheetos
Cheetos “That Burn You”
Flamin’ Hot Brie Cheese
Exhaustive Temperature Bagel Bites
Too Hot For Your Hands Pizza Rolls
Twinkies Baked In Fire
Excruciatin’ly Burned Munchies
Boilin’ Hot Mountain Dew
Intolerably Heated Yam Crisps
Distressin’ly Pungent Chili Chips
Loudly Warm Funyuns
Agonizin’ly Mild Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Surprisin’ly Moist Cheetos
Soppin Wet Doritos
Uncomfortably Dry Sour Patch Kids
Alarmin’ly Flat Cheetos
Fur flavored Ruffles
Pepsi flavored Coke
Hot Butter Pecan Surge
Hot Butter Pecan Slim Jims
Confusin’ly Bland Reese’s Pieces
Highly Seasoned Bubble Yum
Irritatin’ly Sweet Doritos
Werther’s Original Tostitos
Weirdly Cozy Soup
Mozzarella Sticks (but spicy)
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Dre Koval is a comedian, writer and owner of the fake Venture Capital firm, Maybe Capital. She is based in Los Angeles and enjoys its cultural necessities: crystals, traffic and Erewhon. Please look at her on the tiktoks and instagram: