
Finally, Other Presidents Trending on Twitter on President’s Day 

Doing terrible with @weightwatchers points this week.  @WilliamTaft 🍕🍩🍗 

Most. Boring. Impeachment. Ever. @DickNixon✌#Watergate 

I just want to clear this up: my dentures are not wooden.  They’re made from the teeth of slaves. Don’t @ me.  @GeoWash 🍒 🇺🇸

Looking forward to taking a much needed break from  presidenting and staying in with Mary. @HonestAbe 🎩

Wait, Mary changed her mind. Heading now to theatre.  @HonestAbe 🎩

Mrs. Tyler and I are excited to welcome our 15th bundle of joy.  Our nanny though—not so much. @PrezJohnTyler🐇 #FullDiapers 👶👶👶

I’m actually 5’4 and 1/2, thank you very much, FYI  @JamesMadison #FakeNews @CNN 

Hate, hate, hate #PresidentsDay and not just because banks are closed. 🔕 @Hamilton #ElevenTonys

Yes, I swim naked in the river every morning but for health  reasons. Not uncouth. #DontJudge 👉 @JQAdams 🦫

I won, you gib-faced hornswaggler. That’ll teach you to insult  my 1) horse and 2) wife! #duel @AndyJackson 

@MarilynMonroe, u up? Wait, is this a DM? @JFK🍆

I truly cant xxthink of one worsest Precedent thenTrump.  ###can any of yous? Ives been drinking. 🍺🍺🍺🍺 @MartinVanBuren 

No presents on President’s Day? That’s total BS. Just saying.  @GWBush 

I am spinning in my grave. Nancy, turn that TV off.  @RonReagan🙈 🙉🙊