If Classic TV Shows Took Place in 2020
Jerry’s date becomes infuriated when he won’t let her get within six feet of him. George starts a protest movement to get a haircut. Elaine argues with a security guard after not maintaining proper social distance in line to buy toilet paper. Kramer sets out to prove the coronavirus is man-made by eating only genetically-modified foods.
Frasier & Roz ridicule an anti-vaxxer on the air leading to a massive protest in front of the station. Niles has a panic attack while trying to purchase a black market ventilator for his wife Maris. Martin becomes paranoid after reading an article that dogs can contract coronavirus. Daphne’s date has creepy facial hair she didn’t know about until he took his mask off to kiss her.
Lamont brings home a woman he met at a BLM protest, but Fred thinks she’s an undercover cop since she won’t take her mask off in the house. Later, Fred is convinced he is dying of “the rona virus” and screams to the heavens: “This is it! I’m coming to join ya, Elizabeth!”
Michael doesn’t take the pandemic seriously and fights a new corporate policy of wearing masks in the workplace by confiscating a case of PPE masks meant for the office. Jim & Pam prank Dwight into thinking he’s got Covid-19. Kelly complains to HR that Ryan got sick on purpose to avoid having her come over.
While investigating a high-profile murder, Detective Columbo takes a knee in solidarity with protestors and discovers an erstwhile unseen clue: a bejeweled facemask that could only belong to the murderer! Guest Star Issa Rae.
Kelly makes millions of dollars overnight as a cam girl, while Bud is revealed to be the anonymous computer programmer ‘Grand Hacker B.’ Al won’t have sex with Peg until she puts on a face mask.
Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully quit the FBI after being forced to investigate celebrities who bad-mouthed the president instead of the freshly released footage of UFOs. They become scapegoats of the administration and are held up as examples of corrupt government employees. While fighting to clear their names, they discover a ghastly grub-like creature skulking around inside the White House walls.
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Ivan Ehlers is contributor to MAD Magazine, The New Yorker, and the continuing issue of world-wide moral decline.