Best of 2024


Attn all professional mohrls,
Please be aware of boils.
Some babies are cursed,
With pustules that will burst,
And that stuff can really soil.

Here are a few simple facts ,
Re sculpting with ear wax:
It requires a gentle touch ,
And this may be a bit much,
But makes delicious snacks.

Please be aware of narcs,
Specializing in skid marks.
You can have no doubt,
They will rat you out,
And consider it just a lark.

Ashamed of skin flakes?
Please put on the brakes.
Display them with pride,
Let me be your guide,
To flaking on coconut cakes.

What’s the deal with balls?
Vapor action, just like Hall’s.
It might seem like a burden,
But raise up the curtain,
Peel the paint from the walls.

Would others tongue us,
Knowing about our fungus?
We’re still a good time,
Despite our slime,
We leave with who brung us.