
Stephen King’s Past Birthday Wishes
Waterstarter? The blinking cursor is now a blinking thumbs-up. A jet Ski. Wait, no…a possessed jet ski. And more!

Math Word Problems for Writers
If you sell 600 paperbacks but Amazon lets customers return all of them, how much do you owe your publisher?

Things People Say to Writers Translated
"You wrote a book! How exciting!" (Oh you poor delusional fool!) “Where do you get your ideas?” (You seem so dull in real life.) “Will I recognize any of the characters?” (Am I in it and can I sue you? )

Talkward w/ guest Haley McGee
This episode's guest is author and comedy performer Haley McGee! We have a wonderful chat about dating and the value of the gifts from an ex. Her new book, 'The Ex-Boyfriend Yard Sale' is out now. Check it out!

Talkward w/ guest Jen Spyra
This episode welcomes the very funny comedy writer, author, and voice over artist Jen Spyra! We chat all about her time writing at The Onion, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where she is also the announcer! Her new book 'Big Time' is out now from Penguin Random House. It's SO FUNNY! Buy it today!

Must-Have Summer Beach Reads
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid: I was so hungry and weak that all I can remember are the rich descriptions of all the decadent meals the family ate together. I began to suspect the end was near when turkey vultures spent the morning cawing while they circled my body. Despite this, Reid’s masterful description of BBQ inspired me to use the last of my strength to strangle a baboon with my bare hands. It was delicious. Highly recommend this book.

First lesson free. Today's cartoon by John Reynolds.

Is Your Writing Career Fledgling, Emerging or Buried Under Ground Like a Lost Treasure?
If you want some help, take this quiz to find out where your career stands.

Excerpt From 'Passable in Pink' The Novelization
The opening chords for the classic Beatles version of “Twist and Shout” could not be heard but Grimer began to sing along anyway, swaying and sashaying, all cute and delightful, motioning to the hundreds of businessmen glancing out their high rise office windows, including a certain advertising copywriter who did a doubletake when he saw a girl who looked exactly like his daughter, which was all but impossible, as she was still in school, she never skipped!

Buy My Book, It Will Protect You from the Coronavirus, Says Author Whose Public Appearances Have All Been Canceled
How can my book protect you, then? Well, for one thing, it’s such a compelling read you won’t want to leave your house, and if you don’t leave your house, you can’t catch anything.

Talkward w/ guests Michael Bleicher & Andy Newton
This episode of Talkward welcomes comedy writers and authors Michael Bleicher and Andy Newton! The humor writing duo has been published in McSweeney's, Points In Case, Crack The Spine and Weekly Humorist. They discuss their writing process, the power of Google Docs, and the state of the world. Their debut novel "From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts" a satirical road trip comedy taking place during the events of the 2016 election is on sale now from imprint Humorist Books.

EXCLUSIVE BOOK EXCERPT: 'From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts' ~ Buy It Today!
First chapter excerpt of the new political satire novel 'From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts'. Now available from Humorist Books!

Talkward w/ guest Mike Sacks
This episode of Talkward welcomes the very talented comedy author Mike Sacks! We discuss comedy, his journey and how people keep mistaking him for Jon Hamm.

Life Hacks For Hacks
Put pancake mix into a ketchup bottle for easy squeezing. This will give you more time to write forced, unnatural dialogue.

Talkward w/ guest Jeff Kreisler
Today on Talkward is author, comedy writer, behavior expert and…

Talkward w/ guest Bob Eckstein
Today on Talkward is our first repeat guest, New York Times bestselling author, award winning cartoonist and snowman expert Bob Eckstein! Bob's new book The Illustrated History of the Snowman is out now! We discuss Steampunk's rise in the 1980s, the ongoing holiday decorations feud with his neighbor and making squirrels dance for his pleasure. Oh, and we happen upon the topic of snowman pornography!

Talkward w/ guest Ginny Hogan
Today on Talkward is comedy writer and stand-up comic Ginny Hogan!…

Talkward w/ guest Andy Newton
Today on Talkward is comedy writer and occasional poet Andy…