
Classic Works of Literature Updated for Gen Z
Alice's Activism in Wonderland: Upon witnessing the Red Queen’s abuse of capital punishment, Alice’s disillusionment with the monarchy only grows as she encounters the populous of Wonderland falling into unhealthy coping mechanisms, drug use, and addiction in an attempt to distract from a tyrannical, “colorblind” head of state. Alice takes matters into her own hands to usurp the powers-that-be and help everyone get on the Caterpillar’s level with some solid smoke.

Zillow Listings for Literary Properties
Pemberley (Pride & Prejudice) Half of Derbyshire, England- $150,000,000: This grand Georgian estate boasts sprawling grounds, a tranquil lake and a 19th-century fountain. Inside, you will find original Chippendale furniture, elegant damask furnishings and rooms that are somehow “handsome”. With natural beauty and a rich history, Pemberley will have your crush ready to marry you! New owner is responsible for evicting the property’s resident squatter (a Mr. Wickham).

Literary Classics Reimagined for Flu Season by My Inner Sophomore
Moby-Drip, The Scratcher in the Eye, Breakfast at Sniffany’s, And more!

Our Favorite Authors and Their Favorite Drugs
Edgar Allen Poe: Heroin, 100%. I mean this dude basically invented heroin chic. Wandering around, a gaunt little skeleton man writing about death and insanity. Birds are talking to him, he can hear hearts beating under floorboards, and he looks like he hasn’t seen sunlight in decades.

Michael Bay Punches Up Classic Literature
Moby-Dick, by Herman Melville: First of all, love the title. Hilarious. Not everyone can do comedy, but Herman, you got the gift, man. Secondly, there’s some great bones in this idea. Crazy guy versus a big ass sea monster? Awesome. I dunno how I feel about it being a white whale, though. How about a giant shark? Or, better yet, some kind of alien robot that shoots lasers out of its eyes. Now we’re getting somewhere.

Updated Classics That Reflect Our Current Times
A Tale Of Two CDCs, Pride & Prejudiced President, Nasty Little Women, and more!

Herman Melville Workshops Whale Names Before Settling on Moby Dick
Big Ding-Dong Whale, Shamu, Moby Penis, Jedediah Whaleshlong (Note to self: too long)

Of Mice and Muenster, Pride and Provolone, East of Edam, and more #CheesyLiterature!

Notes to Melville (Starbuck's)
There in a stark New England room is Herman Melville: white hair,…

The Endings Of Those Novels You Were Supposed To Read Over The Summer
A new school year is fast approaching, and I'm willing to bet…