
CARTOON: The President Lends His Support To Brett Kavanaugh
The Sharpie is mightier then the facts. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Other Woke Advertising Slogans
Hallmark: When you care enough to send the very best and not a trite "Happy Birthday!" on Facebook, which collects all your data and is pure evil. And more.

Hubris, Hamartia or HELL YEAH?
We’re all gathered at the Colosseum today to talk about the unsettling allegations against people in my position. And you know that position: dick out.

Frank Loesser, Composer Of Baby, It’s Cold Outside, Rewrites Other Christmas Classics
What child is this?
Is she eighteen?
I’m asking you, is she legal?
I’ll look in her purse
when she’s in the can
I mustn’t go back to jail.

Manager Handbook Chapter 12: So You’ve Hired A Woman. Now What?
Hiring competent people, regardless of their gender, is an important aspect of any manager’s job, but in today’s post #MeToo world, men in positions of power need to take certain precautions when they decide to allow a female into an office environment. No doubt she’s going to wreak some havoc simply by having breasts and walking around, so it’s important to prepare your male employees by requesting they review these guidelines and procedures should they have to interface with her.

CARTOON: Phallic Fallacy
Phallic Fallacy. Today's cartoon by Philip Witte.

As a Father of a Son, I’m Very Concerned About Recent Events
When my son is middle aged, will his long record of sexual violence in high school and college come to light, momentarily jeopardizing his seat on the Supreme Court? The indignity!

11 Statements More Accurate Than "Boys Will Be Boys”
Girls Will Be Paid Less, Dick Pics Will Be Unsolicited and more.

CARTOON: Today's Greeting Cards
Can't keep these on the shelves. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

A Few Mighty, Uncanny Facts About Avengers: Infinity War
Iron Man is really pissed about Trump’s recent steel tariff…

Tony Robbins Presents: “Unleash the Not-So-Risky and Therefore More Employable Power Within” Workshop
Are you a woman with skills to share, but no one…

Valentines for America's Most Beloved Sexual Predators
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching and so many winsome men…

Jack Off Joe Toy Catalogue
'Horrible' Harvey Weinstein...$8.99
The original--and some…