The New Porns
Bullet Journal Porn
Hi-speed wifi everywhere Porn
Self-driving cars everywhere Porn
Pictures of angry people waiting in line Porn
Jony Ive-narrated intro to new Apple product video Porn
West Elm BoConcept CB2 Urban Outfitters Furnishings Porn
Ridiculously expensive, atypically shaped bathtub spout Porn
Highly polished new cars displayed on shiny marble floors Porn
Unwatched 10 episode-per-season, 7-season series on Netflix Porn
Attractive, non-stressed, smiling office workers in front of computers Porn
Look at me I’m a celebrity who is getting notoriety for something shameful and disgraceful Porn
Retirees that look remarkably healthy even though they are grey and in their 70s on the beach, laughing and smiling Porn
Every smartphone, phablet, tablet and handheld flatscreen device all in one display arrayed flat on the floor in elaborate patterns Porn
Artfully arranged, messy millenial’s apartment with Chinese food containers, beer bottles, half eaten chicken wings, dirty clothes and old pizza on greasy paper plates Porn
Tweeting hashtag insta filters TicToc Twitch reposted shared embedded link forwarded likes followers will you just fucking pay attention to me Porn
Dornish Pornish
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Lee Sachs has written for The American Bystander & The Higgs-Weldon & does monthly monologues events in NYC. He also curates The Museum of Marketing Madness ( and just created a new Twitter account for this occasion @RealLeeSachs.