
The Valentine’s Day Movie Marathon For Perennial Singles

The Sound of Mucus

Sex Toy Story

Casa Blank-a

When Harry Went Sadly

Romeo and Woo Regret

Four Ghostings and a Funeral

Bridget Jones’s Diarrhea

Schmuck Everlasting

Notting Chill

My Best Friend’s Getting

Scoreless in Seattle

A Room Without You

50 First Dates (and No Seconds)

Beauty and the Least

Snide and Prejudiced

The Body Guarded

100 Things I Hate About You

Priscilla, Queen of the Deserted

Citizen Pain

Flaw Flaw Land

The Day We Weren’t

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Minutes

The Last and the Spurious

The Princess Cried

Legally Blocked

Hannah and Her Spinsters

Swoon Stuck

Loveless, Actually

Valley of the Trolls

The Dark Night Crisis