21 Voting Groups Now Vying for the Position Formerly Held By Soccer Moms
1. Hockey Moms Who Have Pit Bulls – Not French Bulldogs, Pitbulls
2. Badminton Aunts
3. Snowplow Moms
4. Ice Fishing Mothers
5. Motherfuckers Who Could Kick Your Ass at Soccer
6. Gen X Baseball Sons Who Lament the Unfair Rise of Soccer and Lacrosse
7. Equestrian Stepmothers Who Don’t Give A Shit About You
8. Pinball Wizards
9. Soul Sisters
10. 23 & Me Sisters
11. Mah Jong Grandmothers
12. Randy Grandpas with Pensions
13. Twisted Sister
14. Menopausal Midwives
15. Spelunking Orphans
16. Pickleball Playing Bros
17. Roadie Uncles
18. First Wives Who Should Have Known Better
19. Second Ex Wives Laughing All the Way to the Bank
20. Mathlete Millennial Nieces
21. Non-familial Karens
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Tracy McArdle Brady is a published novelist, essayist, screenwriter and communications executive from Boston. She is the 2020 recipient of The Erma Bombeck | Anna Lefler Humorist-in-Residence Program, a writing residency specifically for emerging humor writers. Her writing has appeared in Fortune, Adweek, The Boston Globe Magazine, Muse by Clio, Skirt, The Carlisle Mosquito, the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette and on her humor blog, FestivalofNeed.com.
Her novels Confessions of a Nervous Shiksa and Real Women Eat Beef, (Simon & Schuster’s Downtown Press) remain widely unread and critically unacclaimed. One of her stories was also included in the Downtown Press anthology In One Year and Out the Other.