A Drug Infested Den’ And Other Trump Inspired New New Hampshire State Mottos
President Trump called New Hampshire ‘A Drug Infested Den.’ Look for that to replace “Live Free Or Die” as the state motto or one of these:
Live Free and High
The Gramite State
The Ohio of the Northeast
Welcome to New Hempshire
Everybody Must Be Stoned
Lower Taxes, Higher Citizens
Where Massachusetts Parties
Trump Drug Infested Den and Resort
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Paul Lander is not sure which he is proudest of — winning the Noble Peace Prize or sending, Congolese gynecologist, Dr. Denis Mukwege to accept it on his behalf, bringing to light the plight of African women in war torn countries. In his non-daydreaming hours, Paul has written for Weekly Humorist, National Lampoon, American Bystander, Huff Post Comedy, McSweeney’s, Bombeck Writers Workshop Blog, Humor Times, written and/or produced for multiple TV shows and written standup material that’s been performed on Maher, The Daily Show, Colbert, Kimmel, etc. Now, on to Paul’s time-commanding Special Forces in Khandahar…