
Elon Musk’s Personal Notes on Federal Employees’ “5 bullets” Emails

“On Saturday, employees throughout the federal government received an email from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), demanding a reply with ‘approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week.’ On X, Elon Musk posted that failure to respond “will be taken as a resignation.” — Wired Magazine.


From employee 436-712:

  1. Processed seventeen Form 32-A’s
  2. Helped a woman from Iowa and a man from Georgia with their small business loan paperwork
  3. Revised “Resources for Starting a Business” brochure
  4. Finished training for new software
  5. Approved loans to establish 29 new small business, creating over 250 jobs

Musk’s notes: Helped a woman. Fire.


From employee 276-383:

  1. Conducted brainstorming session for newly-mandated National Park Service (NPS) tour, “Making America’s National Parks Great Again!”
  2. Gave 20 NPS orientation talks
  3. 16 hours at visitor information desk
  4. Reduced forest fire risk level by clearing debris
  5. Saved the lives of a family of five trapped by an avalanche

Musk’s notes: More than a month in, and the NPS still has no bust of me Trump on Mt. Rushmore. Fire.


From employee 805-284:

  1. Made progress on cure for esophageal cancer
  2. Made progress on cure for esophageal cancer
  3. Made progress on cure for esophageal cancer
  4. Made progress on cure for esophageal cancer
  5. Made progress on cure for esophageal cancer

Musk’s notes: Did not cure cancer. Also, used the forbidden term “progress.” Fire.


From employee 244-667:

  1. Worked on IRS task force to reduce illegal corporate off-shoring of billions of dollars of profits, thus putting all businesses on a level playing field
  2. Served as witness in trial of a repeated tax dodger, thus enforcing the rule of law
  3. Attended advanced forensic auditing training seminar, thus making me an even more valuable employee
  4. Continued implementation of IRS computer systems efficiency plan that will make paying taxes easier for millions of Americans
  5. Recovered $11.7 million in a tax evasion case, thus paying for my salary this year more than 100 times over

Musk’s notes: Discriminates against rich people, who by definition are white. Fire.


From employee 582-411:

  1. Nice weather this time of year in the Caribbean, so I daydreamed about taking a “fact-finding” flight down to Gitmo
  2. Jotted a reminder to myself to check out the secretary down the hall—she’s a looker
  3. Made sure to beat it out the office early on Friday, before all those senior military officers far more qualified than me would get canned and maybe ask me why
  4. Wait, how many bullets? Not sure what else I did, was on a total bender all week.

Musk’s notes: That Pete Hegseth—what a card!


From employee 922-399

  1. Completed twelve JN-198’s to pay American farmers for wheat production
  2. Distributed info on preventing wheat blight
  3. Met with Wheat Producers of America
  4. Chaired Wheat Harvest Bottleneck Reduction task force meeting
  5. Liaised with Congressional aides from the six states with the highest levels of wheat production

Musk’s notes: Do any of those states have any woke Marxist Democrat Congressmen? If so, fire. If not… what the hell, just fire anyway.


From employee [number redacted]:

  1. Entered [location redacted] undercover
  2. Extracted US Agent [name redacted] before could be arrested by Secret Police
  3. Recruited [name redacted] to serve as double agent for US
  4. Identified [name redacted] as planning to hand over US nuclear secrets to [redacted]
  5. Made plans to intercept [name redacted] next week, before they can hand over US nuclear secrets

Musk’s notes: Used “they.” Announce immediate firing by posting screenshot of this on X. 


From employee 183-497:

  1. Worked on things that take an advanced degree, years of training, and decades of experience to understand, you cretinous Dunning-Kruger effect poster-child
  2. Completed tasks that cost the government only $1 for every $10 in economic development, you feckless, plutocratic blowhard
  3. Followed the Constitution I swore to uphold, you jackbooted, self-appointed keyboard-jockey
  4. Reduced the possibility of catastrophes that would result in the deaths of many thousands of Americans, you callous, black-shirted sociopath
  5. Faithfully served the American people in exchange for their gratitude, your ignorant bad-faith abuse, and a paycheck less than half of what I would make in the private sector, you smug, self-serving fascist

Musk’s notes: Fire. Also, what a moron–my name isn’t either Dunning or Kruger.