
Meet The Newest Smurfs! 

With the exciting new Smurfs movie coming out this summer you might be asking yourself, ‘who are these new Smurfs?’ Well that’s exactly what we said! So Kit Lively went undercover for months trying to get on the inside trust circle over at Paramount Pictures. He got a job as a night janitor, wore disguises, and was promptly fired for being terrible at his job,  then he just made up this list:

Trendy Smurf

Smurfs whoever it takes to get more followers and likes on Smurfcial media , including posting popular cat videos of Gargamel’s pet cat Azrael mauling and killing his fellow Smurfs.

Horny Smurfette

Gets paid to show her Smurf online on her OnlySmurfs account. Most notoriously streamed video of herself Smurfing over a hundred Smurfs.

Rapey Smurf

Rumored to be not-so-secretly aligned with Gargamel, this guy is a real Smurfhole.  Grabbed Smurfette by the Smurf.

Stalky Smurf

Smurf who tends to get really Smurfy after just one Smurf.   In extreme cases some Smurfs are court ordered to stay at least three mushrooms away from their victim.

Buzzy Smurf

Purports to be a social Smurfer, yet typically has Smurfed at least two box Smurfs by mid afternoon.   Embarrasses his family constantly by being Smurfed out on the couch before dinner.

Selfie Smurf

Constantly Smurfing photos of himself online, believed to be a direct descendant of Vanity Smurf.  Kind of an S word, to be honest.