Products Affected By China’s New Tariffs
Lizard-Innard Flavored Twizzlers
George Foreman’s At-Home Anal Bleaching Kit
I Can’t Believe It’s Nut Butter brand semen substitute
Doggie Treats (made from real dog! Nacho cheese and ranch flavored varieties only)
Workin’ Mirkin- The official pubic wig of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party
Glade Ghost B Gone air freshener and spiritual house cleanser
Cap’n Crunch ChickenNoodlesBerry Supreme cereal
Honor Your Family By Eating Worms And Setting Yourself On Fire- game show home version
- About the Author
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Kit has been a regular contributor to MAD magazine for over ten years, and has also been regularly published by National Lampoon, Playboy, The American Bystander, Funny Or Die, SpongeBob Squarepants Comics, Points In Case and many others. His work has been called “sort of like ‘The Far Side’, but more offbeat and often much funnier” by people who should clearly know better. He lives with his wife and two dogs, all of whom do their best to tolerate his presence